Jul 27, 2013 18:10

I think you all know my own personal little "renascence woman", my niece Sarah;
She asked for your help yesterday and I promised to pass it on. so if you will take five minutes to take a look I would be very grateful...

Sarah says; I am 13 years old and would love to write a novel, here’s the plot;

It is set in early 1800 ( Read more... )

i have the best friends in the world, sarah, writing

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Comments 13

sarmsank July 27 2013, 16:37:31 UTC
I'm not sure of the age at the times of the 1800's of when a women gets involved with a much older man. I would try to look up on the internet and see if you get any hits. I believe at the time it was a very young age. But men didn't stay alive as long as they do now, that's something to consider. Find that out too. People had a much smaller life span back then.


pippii July 27 2013, 18:36:08 UTC
Thanks hon,
Yes we spoke about it yesterday, and I told her I would help her look up all the time stuff online and in books.


deanvica23 July 27 2013, 17:00:52 UTC
In 1800 of young girls was married by theirs parents at of old gentlemen. So yes a girl of 18 can i think in this time 1800 to be married at a old man of this age.


pippii July 27 2013, 18:37:34 UTC
Thanks Love,
we spoke about those things yesterday, and we will get more information from books and internet♥


padamoosegirl July 27 2013, 17:02:44 UTC
She should keep her at this age (or even, I would make her younger). People around that time used to date and marry much older men. I would love to read it. Would you send me a copy of it if it gets published? :)


pippii July 27 2013, 18:40:06 UTC
Thanks honey, the age thing is what er talked about yesterday, and I think it is fine.
Sure, I´ll make sure you`ll get a copy.♥
Love your icon, Dean found that book in Rorys purse before they fell asleep♥


padamoosegirl July 27 2013, 18:59:54 UTC
Thank you!

If you have a minute, you can look this entry. It is my wish list for my birthday and Christmas. :)


tkeylasunset July 27 2013, 18:09:34 UTC
This is a lovely premise for a book - mysterious, intriguing, lots of human drama!

I look forward to reading the whole thing when it is published!

Good luck, Sarah.


pippii July 27 2013, 18:41:26 UTC
Thanks honey, I´ll let her know, she will be so happy♥
I´ll make sure you´ll get a copy♥


honeyjojames July 27 2013, 20:56:48 UTC
It sounds brilliant to me! Sarah is very clever to be thinking of writing a novel at only 13! It's a great plot, and I wish her the best of luck with it! ♥

*hugs you*


pippii July 28 2013, 12:08:19 UTC
Thank you Darling, that is so nice of you. She´ll be so happy to know you like it;)


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