Mar 24, 2012 19:42

Another weekend and another week past and one to come..

After the hospital visit what happened then?
Wednesday I spend at home reading and relaxing as best I could.

Thursday Mum was looking after Sarah and Thea in the afternoon, so that was where I was too;)

As usual there are pictures here )

concert, mum, balder, steve carlson, i have the best friends in the world, family, nanna, eye candy, Thank you♥, nieces, friends, thea, pictures, sarah

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Comments 23

burned_phoenix March 24 2012, 19:03:32 UTC
they are just soo cute :) looks like a great time, and your plans souond lovely too.

hope you feel less tired soon, darling *hugs*


pippii March 25 2012, 18:00:01 UTC
Thanks darling♥
We had a great time and today the girls got permit to go to BuildABear next Saturday;)

I am really tired not, but I have no plans at all the next days, so I´ll make sure to get some rest there.

♥hugs and kisses♥


burned_phoenix March 29 2012, 10:39:50 UTC
ohh, awesome! :)



daisychain1957 March 24 2012, 19:29:01 UTC
Lovely pics again, as i say each time those girls are lucky to have you and your mum X

Look after yourself, take things easy XxX


pippii March 25 2012, 18:01:02 UTC
Thank you so much Susan that is such a sweet and lovely thing to say.
I´ll make sure to rest the next days, I have no plans there at all.
♥big hugs♥


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pippii March 25 2012, 18:03:45 UTC
Thank you so much honey♥
LOL green potatoes are small boiled potatoes that you put into a bit of margarine and parsley. My favorite potatoes;)


deanvica23 March 24 2012, 21:10:14 UTC
thea is so adorable. lovely photos SIL it's your sister?
your sis make a party for his ex? very weird.
Love you.


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deanvica23 March 24 2012, 21:21:34 UTC
okkkkkkkkkkkk thanks baby. <3 you It's what?

give me news baby love you.


pippii March 25 2012, 18:05:10 UTC
Thanks so much Love.
SIL is my sister-in-law, my brothers wife.

I thought it was weird too, but that is my sister:(

♥Love you Isa♥


sheryden March 24 2012, 21:28:43 UTC
Those girls are so cute, as always! And I loved Steve's Stage-It show! *hugs*


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pippii March 25 2012, 18:07:33 UTC
Ohhh honey I am sorry you missed it. It was great and went on for almost 50 minutes.
LOL you are right, I love his hair better when it is down too...but he was cute here too though;)


pippii March 25 2012, 18:06:04 UTC
Thank you darling♥
Ohh I loved the show, he is jsut amazing♥


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