Apr 02, 2009 15:53

Title: Piglet
Author: Pippii
Rating: PG
Pairing / Characters: Reid/Tyler
Length: 337
Spoilers: Not beta`d
Disclaimer: I can`t find the receipt so I guess I don't own them.
A/N: This is written for babydracky that gave me the prompt; Reid/Tyler - Piglet! ;)

“What are you doing?” Reid asked from his place stretched out on his bed.
“Looking for some papers you bought a long time ago” Tyler answered rummaging through the dresser.
“Oh og on then”, Reid said closing his eyes again.
Tyler didn’t answer just glared in Reid’s direction before going back to his task. Suddenly he let out a snort of laughter.
“What is this??”, he asked laughing, and Reid opened his eyes looking at Tyler holding something pink and fluffy in his hand.
“Give him to me” Reid demanded felling a blush creep up his cheeks, “and don`t pull his ears like that!”
“Don`t pull his ears like that!”, Tyler repeated with a surprised look on his face, “Reid it is a toy pig I don`t think he care.”
“Give”, Reid said and pulled the pig from Tyler’s hand.
“And I’ll have you know,” he said with all the dignity he could muster sitting on the bed holing a pink toy pig close to his heart, “that he is not a toy pig. He is the Piglet, I’ve had him since I was five and his name is Tyl…..”. Reid’s voice stopped abruptly feeling the last shred of dignity seep out of his body.
“You named him after me?” Tyler asked softly, sitting on the bed next to Reid and gently touching Reid’s cheek.
Reid just nodded and continued to look down at Piglet.
“Because he is soft and cuddly, sweet and caring and a bit scared and needs someone to look after him…just like you Baby-Boy”, Reid said in a low voice.
Tyler gently took Piglet from Reid and looked at him for a moment. “I’m sorry for pulling your ears” he said to the pig kissing its snout.
The he put it down on the bed and turned to Reid, putting his hands on either side of the older boys head.
“I love you”, he said and kissed Reid, while Piglet looked at them with a happy smile on his pink face.


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