Engineering majors (and minors):
For those of you that wish to make the most of your experience under my tutilege, and for me to be able to make classes more interesting, I would like it if you filled a small little survey out and return it to me on here. Additionally, you will have your syllabus on Wednesday's classes.
Name: Self-explanatory.
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Comments 17
Year: Freshman.
Engineering Specialty: Everything.
Why I chose Engineering: It's my way of life.
Pleasure, Rikku, to see another woman involved with engineering. It's a rarity, so I hope you enjoy dealing with men.
Likewise. And believe me, these guys ain't got nothin' on me.
And you are? Or do I get to call you daylran all the time?
I like you; you've got moxie. Keep up in class and you'll go far.
Year: Junior
Engineering Specialty: Everything, to be honest. Robots of a sort are awesome enough for me!
Why I chose Engineering: How couldn't I of?! It's what kept me going as a kid. I thought it was a "phase" but apparently it's still what keeps me interested in going to school.
Year: Freshman
Engineering Specialty: Mechatronics
Why I chose Engineering: I have always had a keen interest in learning about how machines work and function and in creating my own machines. Engineering gave me the perfect opportunity to do that.
... in the next year or so, I may be offering a research assistant position as far as mechanical engineering goes.
Consider applying for it if it gets off the ground.
Year: Freshman.
Engineering Specialty: Control systems.
Why I chose Engineering: It is a practical field that encourages progress. It also has a certain familiarity for me.
Year: Freshman
Engineering Specialty: Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Why I chose Engineering: I've always wanted to go to space ever since I was a kid. It would also be a great way to learn how to work spacecraft or machines in general for that matter.
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