[Hijack] Halloween

Oct 11, 2010 02:14

The people (well, 3 people)  have spoken and it seems that this Halloween we´re going with our old, trusty Prompt Table again.

What is a prompt table, you ask?
Take a look at last year´s table HERE
The basic idea is that in order to celebrate (in this case) Halloween, writers/artists of all kinds look at the table, choose a (or more if you feel like it) prompt(s) and work on it until Halloween and then post their work.
It´s simple, it´s fun, it´s almost tradition and it´s awesome.

I´ll set up the table again, but for that I need prompts, and that is what this post is for:
Give prompts in the comments and those will be added to the table (which will be posted in a few days afterwards):
Since it´s a Halloween Prompt Table, the prompts have to be somewhat Halloween related; they can feature monsters and creatures, spirits, halloween legends, traditions, trick&treat, "generally" scary stuff, disturbing things, candy, pranks...
These depend on you, only with your input can we make this work.


1) reply to this post with prompts for the future Halloween Prompt Table
(make sure that these prompts are at least somewhat related to Halloween and do not hesitate to post as many prompts as you can think of).
This post is just for the collection of the prompts, brainstorming, questions, etc.

2) As soon as we have a few prompts, I will set up another post with the prompt table (don´t worry, you can still submit new prompts when the table is up.)

3) When the table post is up, you can then claim a(or more) prompt(s).
For example, one prompt is "Vampire" and you always wanted to draw the boys as vampires, then say in a comment that you will claim that prompt. I´ll mark it on the table and then you draw your picture/work on your fic/etc.

3a) Of course you can claim more than one prompt
3b) And if your favorite prompt is already claimed, don´t despair - of course you can still write/draw/etc for it (after all, how/why should we stop you?)
3c) That being said, try to aim for balance. We don´t want 20 people filling one and the same prompt and neglecting all the others.

4) When Halloween comes, post your work. (Don´t worry about timezones or not finishing in time, we don´t have strict deadlines, it just would be cool if we all posted around Halloween to celebrate properly.)
4a) this being the piper_trickster comm, the story has to relate to at least one of them in some way (naturally)
4b) your end result has to be related to the prompt somewhat (naturally)
4c) more a word of advice: don´t bite off more than you can chew. No one is stopping you from taking on 25 prompts, but probably no one is going to advise it either.
4d) don´t stress yourself, if you can´t finish in time, just post whenever you´re finished. (Hell, one of my halloween stories from last year was actually my prompt from the year before that)

As always, if you have any questions, suggestions, etc write it in a comment or write me a pm and I´ll help out.
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