I am SUCH a geek, it's bordering on the scary...

Jan 21, 2008 23:45

I found out a few days back that Jason David Frank, Steve Cardenas, and Karan Ashley will be attending Anime Central this year ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

possibilities January 22 2008, 12:32:37 UTC
*flails!* OMG, my friend has tried to convince me to go this year. You may have just done it! Jason David Frank! OMG. My first fangirl crush ever! And he grew up so hot! And I just finished watching Dino Thunder again a few days ago! And Jason David Frank! SQUEE!

I may be over-using exclamation points!


pip22 January 23 2008, 03:17:25 UTC
There is no such thing as overuse of exclamation points when Jason David Frank is involved. ;)

You should totally come! Then I won't be the only MMPR goofball there! :)


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