
Nov 06, 2010 22:52

Canon Relationships:
  • Shelly deKiller -- Acquaintance
Shelly de Killer seems like a nice man. There's not much Ema knows about him, despite the fact that, just like her, he's also recently new at this... pokémon world... And so what if his last name is creepy?
  • Machi Tobaye -- Acquaintance / Childishly-based dislike
Ema knows Machi because she was the one who... well, arrested him. But other than that, she doesn't even go there! Their relationship isn't the best one, obviously, but it's not like Ema will do her best to spite him (like she hasn't got anything better to do). So what if he's annoying? She can deal with brats, thank you very much.
  • Miles Edgeworth -- Acquaintance / Respect
Miles Edgeworth is the perfect prosecutor. Too bad that this one is just a kid. Still, Ema has developed an instant liking to him; maybe because he's just like his adult image, or perhaps because he is a well-mannered young boy. Anyway, he's still cute, and not at all like some uppity brats. Ema definitely likes him.
  • Maya Fey -- Friend / Awesome to be around
Maya is Mr. Wright's loyal legal aide, and Ema likes her very much. Even if she is rather young, she's still the same as when Ema was introduced to her. The two are slightly alike, even if Ema is much bitter than the eighteen-year-old Maya. It matters not, of course, seeing as Maya is cool and doesn't mind Ema's customary moodiness.
  • Kristoph Gavin -- Acquaintance / What even is this / Creepy guy
Ema doesn't know what to think of Kristoph Gavin. The only thing she knows about him was that, before he turned insane and murdered fifteen million people, was that he was considered the 'coolest defense attorney' in LA. Well, then he went to prison -- and yet, she finds him here. What does this even mean?
  • Apollo Justice -- Friend / Awesome to be around / Ema likes his forehead
Ema met Apollo back in Los Angeles; and hey, any friend of Mr. Wright's a friend of hers! Plus, he bribed her with fingerprint dust, and even helped her out defile some crime scenes - how could she not like him? Ema's been the detective for almost every one of Justice's cases.
  • The Judge -- Acquaintance / Cool guy
Hoo boy. The Judge is the character that everyone knows; and he really is that - a character. He's forgettable to the point where Ema sometimes can't hold her laughter in court, and although he almost always does the wright thing, he still is pretty ... gullible.
  • Phoenix Wright -- Friend / Respect
Mr. Wright might not be the one from her time, but the feelings for him remain the same. Ema will never forget that, if not for him, Lana would have been arrested and Damon Gant's rein of terror would remain. Plus, he's a real funny guy, so how can she not like him?

Other Relationships:

  • Dale Cooper -- Acquaintance / Cool guy

Dale Cooper is a nice guy that introduced Ema to the fantastic world of how-to-use-pokéballs. He sometimes sends her voice messages. Although Ema doesn't know him, she rather likes him.

  • Johan Andersen -- Acquaintance / Childishly-based dislike

Ema's only talked to Johan once, but he managed to get on her nerves at an astounding speed, with what his "robots-have-feelings-too" talk. For some reason, he seems to think Ema is a complete monster towards her magnemite. B-but she doesn't like him!

  • Yukiko Amagi -- Acquaintance / Cool guy

Yukiko met Ema when she firstly arrived. The two talked a little while and Ema actually liked her. They had a rational, calm talk, and that's more than enough for Ema to like her (unlike some people)!

  • Ken Hidaka -- Acquaintance / Cool guy

They're traveling together [Route 29 - Cherrygrove Town]. Ema likes him; he's not annoying, nor is he someone who likes to discuss trivial things (magic, pssh), and she can actually hold intelligent conversation with him without blowing a gasket.

  • Kaito Kuroba -- Acquaintance / Childishly-based dislike / SO ANNOYING, LIKE UGH

She doesn't know who this kid thinks he is, claiming magic is superior to science, but Ema does not like him. It's not because he totally handed her ass in their discussion, because she's so not bitter about it. Ema is just fairly sure that he kicks puppies in his free time, or something.


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