I'm torn between using the extra day to drive to the North Shore to photograph some old houses that I've been meaning to for well over a year, or going back to Miniso in Baton Rouge. I think I'll probably wind up doing to the latter, because I had planned to go back around back-to-school time and see if they had more in the way of school supplies/
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Comments 2
I've been curious about Bury Your Gays. Is it good? A big reason I was curious is that it seems a lot more...mainstream, I guess, than his other stuff. I follow him online as he seems like a cool dude, and of course giggled at his other book titles (I mean, how can you not when they're called "Pounded in the Butt by a Sexy Sentient Copy Machine" or whatever?), but have not actually read any of his stuff.
I've never read any of his "tinglers", although I've heard some of them are for asexuals? No idea how that works! But I liked both Camp Damascus and Bury Your Gays.
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