Title: Untitled
caterisCharacters: Die, Kaoru (Dir en Grey)
Rating: R
Summary: Die jerks off.
Disclaimer: The events and characters depicted in the following piece of work are completely fictitious. Even though similarities with the members of Dir en Grey, or other public personae may be found they are in no way implying that any of the events or
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Comments 5
I actually like this very much. I like the pure rawness of it. I love how you are unabashed with your words. Your descriptions so precise and clean cut. And you don't shy away from using any words big breasts, painfully open cunts, straight anal sex, boys sucking off, black big fellows fucking each other, transsexuals fucking straight guys. Just like Die doesn't shy away from all these images in his mind, sure he starts with het sex in his mind, but he proceeds to the core of his own perversions. Not that they are actually that perverted, but it is like everyone has a certain affinity to something and Die feels at ease at his own. But there is this one thing remaining, that he refuses to admit to himself, but in the end desperation takes over him and he cracks. And how good is it aftermath, with you describing his self ( ... )
i love how you just show glimpses into their lives..
...its almost cruel D':
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