Title: Of Couple Tees and Miss Yous
Author: -
pinkraiinbowsPairings: Junseung
Rating: G
Summary: Hyunseung decides to pay a visit Junhyung's twitter + allkpop and isnt' the slightest bit pleased at what he finds.
A/N: I don't like it too ): JUNNIE YOU PLAYER! D:<
Yong Jun Hyung
@babospmc 네 행님
커플티...절대게이는 아님ㅋㅋㅌㅋㅋ twitpic.com/3u7qsl
20 hours ago
Hyunseung was seated in front of the dorm’s common computer, large doe eyes staring at the computer screen in both shock and disbelief.
Why would Junhyung say such things or pose for such pictures with a man that wasn’t him? Never once had said man gone to Hyunseung’s YOZM and left a sweet comment on his many selcas- especially the one of him in his bed back in Malaysia…the one the older took, with him in mind.
To make matters worse, the design of the blasted “couple” tee was painfully similar to the tee that he and Junhyung had…
“Don’t like having the same type of clothing, my perky ass…”
The truth behind the post he hastily posted on his yozm was that after the recording , Junhyung came barging into their shared bedroom before pulling the deer boy out of his pillow sanctuary and forcing him to upload a post clarifying the situation.
The boy didn’t quite see the problem, seeing how they were together and all but apparently it was a big deal and being the loyal thoughtful boyfriend that Hyunseung was , he complied and made his way to the computer , racking his 4-dimensional mind to come up with the appropriate things to say.
Come to think of it , Junhyung never really did acknowledge their relationship - even as a joke , sure they did that something like that on a radio show once but after that, it all went downhill.
Maybe it was because of his actions then? Maybe it was because Hyunseung made it seem like Junhyung was the submissive one in the relationship. But whatever it was , it was almost as if Junhyung was ashamed of him.
Was that it?Yeah… that should be it.
It wasn’t just this alone, this whole “affection” thing , it started way back then especially during their Special performances and Idol Maid filming. Junseob , 2Jun… what were they? It troubled the lead dancer to no end.
He was confused so doing what he always did when he was confused, the deer boy floated over to his bunk , buried himself in his pillow castle and let hot tears prick at his eyes.
In his castle , surrounded by a familiar scent , Hyunseung let his thoughts wander to a certain talented rapper , a mind-blowing singer and a ridiculously “intimate” selca.
Come to think of it , the two whom he tended to show his “affection” to in public, were all great singers… maybe it was because Hyunseung wasn’t talented enough. But… he was B2ST’s lead dancer right? Wasn’t that good enough?
No… it wasn’t because Junhyung could dance really well too , so what’s the use of having a partner who could do something you could do just as well if not better?
Hyunseung was frustrated… hell he was fucking furious. If Junhyung saw him as a liability why the fuck did he even bother to accept his feelings a year ago? Was being with him really so painful? Was it really so hard?
Apparently it was, and the doe-eyed boy felt painfully helpless as he let the hot tears he had been holding back cascade down his smooth milky cheeks , the same plump flesh Junhyung loved to caress in the dead of night when he thought Hyunseung was asleep.
The rest of the members were all own their own that day for their individual activities.
Hyunseung was the first to get back and he was thankful for it … because if not for that, he would have never been able to know how Junhyung truly felt - in his opinion at least - and he would have never been able to be buried in his pillows all alone in the bedroom with no random shouting or whining for the other members.
While the dancer was busy with his own thoughts, the heavy wooden door to their living room was opened revealing a muscled youth with flushed pink cheeks.
Kikwang wobbled his way through the door while shedding his padded jacket and layers of thick clothing the over-paranoid manager made him put on for his schedules.
Mumbling darkly under his breath, the variety-idol made his way into the bedroom he shared with the other members only to be greeted with the sight of a mountain of pillows and blankets which he swore was gently rising and falling.
Racking his equally one-way brain , Kikwang tried to figure out if there was anyone underneath the pile of cloth…
“Seungie?”, his voice rang loud and clear throughout the entire room and all he got in response was a weak muffled sob.
“Are you crying?”
“Great job genius.” Thought Hyunseung to himself as he heard the other speak , daring himself to peak out from under the protection of his many blankets to look at the other dancer in the group.
“Don’t lie Seungie , come on you can tell me anything I’ll listen.”
The mental maknae of the group padded his way over to Hyunseung and enveloped the human cocoon in a bear hug rocking the depressed boy in a comforting manner.
“Is it about Junnie?”
At the name Kikwang felt the older boy shudder a little .
Worried frown gracing his handsome features, the dancer rummaged through the mess and managed to remove enough of the material such that the deer boy’s tear-streaked face was now exposed.
Taking on the motherly role he always did when Hyunseung was in one of this moods , the buff male pulled the other’s head closer to his chest and continued to rock him , lulling the emotionally drained male to sleep and like fate would have it , a certain moody rapper was standing at the doorway silently glowering at the sight before leaving as quietly as he came.
He had seen enough. All those crappy tweets and shitty selcas were all done in a bid to make the other jealous and come crawling back to him so they could have the earth-shattering make up sex, they always did.
Hell ,the damned tee was bought by Junhyung as a planned gift for his lover but seeing as how the other was avoiding him like the plaque , Junhyung had no other choice but to use it as a prop for his plan.
“What does Junnie think he is a ninja?!” Kikwang snorted to himself as he watched from the corner of his eye , the third oldest of the group glower at him before turning to stomp off to beyond yonder. Both of them needed to learn how to talk , how to trash things out , a relationship wasn’t going to work just on raw emotions alone , they first have to learn how to compliment one another and better understand one another . Unfortunately, neither of those could be done so easily without the usage of words.
Feeling the other’s breath steady , Kikwang gently put the head down onto a soft pillow and removed the piles of pillows and blankets from atop the boy in a bid to make him more comfortable.
After a good 3 minutes of pulling and careful tugging , the dancer was satisfied with his work and left the room to get ready for his session with Junhyung the jealous thick-headed man-bitch.
A/N: AHHHH HELLOO HELLOOOO I’M FINALLY ON LJ! AFTER DYING A PROPER INTERNET SLUTTING TIME SINCE SCHOOL STARTED! I know I said I’ll finish up my Jongkey smut but because of one of the tweets
the_blackorder posted , I ended up writing this fic instead of the Jongkey smut and the other half of chapter 8 to my series >: The fic was suppose to be crack! But I got influenced by the many angsty Junseung fic these days ): -IMSORRYSEUNGIEBABY!”
But that’s okay I guess , I’ll be off for Orientation camp MONDAY - WED ( freaking long ): ) and I’ll miss all the fics SO FREAKING MUCH! WHY CAN’T THEY LET ME CONNECT TO THE WIFI USING MY IPOD WHY CAN’T I HAVE A IPHONE WAEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE fml.
Anyhoo , I hope you enjoyed part 1 of this two-shot ( yes part one don’t sue me , I’ve got the skeleton up for part 2 and it should be up before school starts on Monday (: i.e up tomorrow/today however you see it )