You Don’t See ME...

Mar 13, 2011 06:19

Title:  You Don't See Me...
Chapters: 1 Part A & B
Word Count: 3589
Author:  pinkpolyanthus
Rating: 17 overall
Pairing:  Jack/Ianto, Gwen/Rhys, Tosh, Owen
Spoilers/Disclaimers:  Torchwood belongs to the BBC and RTD

Summary:  Based on the song of the same name by Keane ... the story looks at the possibility of having someone in front of you every day but you don't seem them for who they really are... but Ianto has a plan...

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You Don’t See ME... Part A...

Jack is watching over Cardiff from its’ highest point.  He watches the sun come up.  He watches the sun go down.  He loves the feel of the air so high up.  He loves the smell of the Bay... if he closes his eyes for a moment... if he listens to call of the seagulls... if he feels the rays of the sun on his face... he could almost... just almost be on the beach at Boeshane.

A sudden gust of wind makes him shiver and he wraps himself tightly in his thick grey coat.  It is like wearing a blanket with sleeves, he thinks... it is his security blanket... his outer shell...

It is the first thing people notice about Jack... the coat.  It isn’t the winning smile with the perfect teeth, or the bright blue eyes that sparkle, or even the chiselled looks of a matinée idol... it is the coat... as it swishes as he walks... as it floats in the wind... trailing behind him like a bride’s train ...

“People just see the coat,” he thinks, “they don’t see me...”


Jack is watching Ianto.  Jack is always watching Ianto.  It is his favourite pastime!  He would watch Ianto all day and all night if he could, never letting him out of his sight for a moment.

As Jack stands watching, his peaceful moment is interrupted by impossible exuberance.  Gwen wants to talk.  Gwen has lots to say about one thing or another.   Jack isn’t really listening... he is watching... he is watching Ianto... watching the fall of his suit as it hugs those two beautiful firm globes which Jack would like so much to sink his teeth into right now... except he can’t ... Gwen wants to talk...

He turns to look at her... and there it is... that flirty look... that so unsubtle gesture that says she loves Jack... she wants Jack... that if Jack said the word she would leave Rhys in a flash and jump so willingly into Jack’s bed.

Jack watched Gwen as she continued her long and seemingly never ending conversation.  He watched the look in her eyes... a look of adoration...  if he had been a Saint, no doubt she would have been on her knees praying to him... instead of being on her knees... well that was an image he could do without.  The only person he liked to see kneeling in front of him was Ianto... that was an image he would treasure forever.

As he listened to most of what Gwen was saying... surely she couldn’t expect him to hear the whole thing... he realised that her adulation of him was based on worship of sorts... hero worship...   Gwen saw Jack as the dashing hero running in to save the world and all the damsels in distress... who undoubtedly all needed saving!

“You see me as your Hero, your Knight in Shining Armour”, he thought. “But you don’t see me...”


As Ianto handed out coffees, collected papers, old pizza boxes nobody noticed he was there.  He silently eased his way between desks and chairs, tidying as he went; making sure everyone had everything they needed, even before they knew they needed it!  Sometimes he would hear an occasional ‘thank you’... generally from Tosh, sometimes a grunt... mostly from Owen... but on the whole they did not notice he was there.

They did not notice when he was happy or sad, when he was worried or sick... he was just there.  They would complain if he wasn’t there... if they didn’t get their coffee or meals when they wanted.  They would complain if they couldn’t find anything, if something wasn’t working properly... they would complain to Ianto... not because it was Ianto... it could have been anyone... they just honed in to the fact that there was someone who solved problems for them... who would stop them from feeling hungry or thirsty, hot or cold, or frustrated because something had broken... that someone was Ianto.  It could have been anyone...

As Ianto stood looking out over the Hub from his small kitchen area, he looked at these people who had become the nearest thing to a friend...

“I see you... I see all of you...” he thought... “But you don’t see me...”


Tosh sat in the Board Room picking at her food... it was Chinese today... by general consensus... well Gwen, Owen and Jack wanted Chinese... so that was what Ianto had to go and get...

She looked across at Gwen as she openly flirted with Jack and then Owen.  It was like being a Centre Court at Wimbledon watching the flirtatious remarks fly backwards and forwards... although with Jack around, it was always game, set and match to him...  She watched Ianto as he sat passively observing the conversation.  There was no emotion on his face.  His features were carefully schooled so as not to reveal his true thoughts.

She knew Ianto and Jack were a couple, in a relationship... however one wanted to call it... Ianto was certainly nobody’s ‘part-time shag’ - as Owen had so eloquently put it!  She was amazed that Gwen seemed oblivious to the fact that Jack and Ianto were actually living together.  Somewhere in Gwen’s mind she thought Jack lusted after her... she thought that all men lusted after her... but with Jack she thought she could snap her fingers and he would come running leaving his ‘part-time shag’ behind.

As she listened to their conversation telling stories of picking up girls, boys, aliens... anything with a pulse... in bars... Owen... Jack... talking of Rhys’s culinary expertise... Gwen... which lead to an in-depth talk about whether Rhys had any other... expertise... flirtatious remarks having flown out of the window and a full blown bordering on pornographic conversation taking place... Tosh realised that nobody had asked her... about anything... it was as if the geek did not exist outside being attached to the mainframe and if she had a life outside of Torchwood, nobody asked her about it...

“You look at me as being boring, a computer geek; a nerd” she thought... “But you don’t see me...”


As Owen sat drinking in yet another bar, deciding which ‘bird’ was going to get his attention for the night... he looked around at all the other drinkers in there... and that is what they all were... drinkers... most of the quite heavy drinkers... girls as bad as the boys, if not worse... Those ladettes had a thing to prove...

Owen made his way along the bar sizing up his prey until he spied a blond girl sitting quietly on her own.  He heart clenched; she reminded him of Kate... his Kate... lost to him so long ago.  She looked across at him and smiled but then looked away nervously.  For a moment he was tempted but even through his alcohol haze his heart couldn’t take that step.  She looked too much like a keeper... not something he wanted to take the chance on again.  It wasn’t as though Torchwood would give him a long life... a normal future... he had gone beyond that...

So he looked for something instant, someone who would liberate him of his frustrations now and not worry about tomorrow.  She was easy to find.  She had red hair, long legs and beautiful green eyes... just his type... she had a pulse... everything else was a bonus.

As he opened the door to his car and watched her get in he couldn’t help but notice how impressed she was... she almost purred with delight ... a flash sports car suited his needs but for her it had instantly become a status symbol.  She was practically ripping his clothes off as he opened his front door... that was until she stepped inside the flat and saw the magnificent view from the huge glass windows that overlooked the Bay.  She spun around the room taking in the surface gloss and sparkle, obviously delighting in her new catch.  If the car had impressed her, the flat impressed her even more... she was positively drooling.

He didn’t catch her name... didn’t see the point... he had used her over and over again on practically every surface.  He could see that she wasn’t really into him; but she was most definitely into his way of life.

She made the right noises of passion but he could see through them.  Well it was only for the night, maybe not even that long if he could get rid of her.

“You see the trappings of my success... the shiny car and expensive flat...” he thought... “But you don’t see me...”


Go to Part B:

author: pinkpolyanthus, jack/ianto, janto, captain jack harkness, tv, torchwood, livejournal, ianto jones,, torchwood jack and ianto captain jack ha

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