DO want! And I know someone who knits. Hmm.....
ThinkGeek has an
18" Remote Controlled Dalek. It runs around the room and if it finds a moving target, asks it to identify itself. Costs too much and our house has too many obstructions, and it would probably terrify the cats, but AWESOME
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Comments 8
ETA: You need a pink Dalek userpic! Unfortunately it's not credited, so I don't know who made it.
And I love this one: Dalek Christmas tree.
The Dalek tree is also completely awesome!!
Could I pester you for fic recs? Nine or Ten gen, or Nine/anybody but Rose, or Ten/Martha (don't know much about Ten yet since I have to watch what Netflix sent me before I can ask for more Who disks, but I'm cool with that pairing). Doesn't have to have Daleks in it, but Dalek!fic would be great as well.
Thanks!! (BTW, I owe you a comment, but I'm having serious issues with Rob's laptop and the cord that won't work (yet he refuses to let me use the new one), and we won't even get into what he did trying to "fix" mine. I try not to rant about my husband on my LJ, but let's just say that I'm very, very perturbed at him right now.)
And holy crap, those Dalek links you've posted are adorable. If Mitzi's terrified of bubbles, I can only imagine how she'd react to a remote-controlled Dalek! *laughs* A lot of my Bryn Mawr friends are both knitters and big Doctor Who fans, so I'll definitely have to pass that knit Daleks link along. :D
Hee! :)
Damn. All my Who icons are on hildy. I'll be curious what you think of the Master when you meet him. He may be too mustachio twirly for you.
You have no idea. They are my favorite Dr. villains.
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