Title: The Photograph
Word Count: 266
Rating: PG
Original/Fandom: Original
Pairings (if any): None
Warnings (Non-Con/Dub-Con/Underage): None
Summary: The photograph had been lying at the bottom of an old forgotten box hidden away in the dusty attic. Julia had been looking for some important documents when she came across it.
Julia had been looking for some important documents when she came across it.
The photograph had been lying at the bottom of an old forgotten box hidden away in the dusty attic. Julia had been looking for some important documents when she came across it.
As she looked at the two figures frozen in time, she suddenly remembered that particular day in December long ago.
She remembered the scratchiness of the green and red lacy organza dress which made her very unhappy. She also recalled her mother yelling at her to stop fidgeting with the dress.
Even now, Julia could feel the heavy weight of her baby brother in her lap as her mother arranged them in position for the photo. It had taken a few tense moments and a lot of repositioning before her mother had declared out loud that they were adorable and stepped back to allow the photographer to take their picture.
She vaguely recalled that it had taken the photographer a few clicks of his camera before her mother had been satisfied with the photo.
Now looking down at the picture of the little girl in a Christmassy dress holding her similarly dressed baby brother in her arms, Julia had to admit to herself that it WAS an adorable picture.
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http://pinkphoenix1985.dreamwidth.org/922757.html. Please comment there using OpenID.