
Jul 23, 2008 18:22

Yes MIA once again, and it will prob be like that for a while.

I'm trying to save my marriage and I had to cancel my trip from seeing BSB which tears me apart! :( I even had my flight for it and I so thought I had insurance on it and I didn't which ticks me off cuz I could of used it for Chicago in Nov, so now I'm out of 180.00 AGAIN!

*pulls ( Read more... )

sluts, money, girls, marriage, flight, bsb, relationship

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Comments 19

flynn_boyant July 24 2008, 02:04:31 UTC
She sounds like a real BEEOTCH.

Hang in there hun.


flynn_boyant July 24 2008, 13:08:42 UTC
She is def!

I'm trying but with her this is even harder! ugh!


pinkphoenix1985 July 24 2008, 06:08:34 UTC
(HUGS) I'm so sorry that you aren't going to see the BSB!

and that girl is a BITCH!


pinkphoenix1985 July 24 2008, 13:04:54 UTC
it sucks :( makes me so depressed than I was! :(

Yes, I have no idea what to do about it, I seriously have no idea how to tell him w/out accusing him of cheating and/or whatnot ya know?



pinkphoenix1985 July 24 2008, 14:30:23 UTC
I know! (HUGS)


pinkoceantides July 24 2008, 19:13:26 UTC
I thought things were going to get better but I thought wrong. Gosh today is so fucked up!! :(


bitterbird July 24 2008, 08:24:05 UTC
wow that girl is unbelievable!!
good luck hon!


pinkoceantides July 24 2008, 13:09:49 UTC
The worst part is she is living there as well!!

Due to her student housing is not free anymore she living with daddy!


(The comment has been removed)

pinkoceantides July 24 2008, 19:13:52 UTC
I do too but I guess I was wrong thinking it would,cuz today is so messed up! :(

She is, I blame her part for our relationship, I swear!


looklikeastar July 24 2008, 18:40:01 UTC
I never knew you guys were married. But still he shouldn't make you not see BSB specially after you paid for everything.

And that girl is insane. Ill smack a bitch for ya!


pinkoceantides July 24 2008, 19:11:45 UTC
Yeah we got married last year in Sept.

Yeah, the flight has been paid for so far but I can't go anyways now cuz I won't have enough money.

That'll be great cuz esp since he doesn't want to hang out with me this weekend but JD {his oldest friend}, his son and daughter are coming back from the reunion so he wants to spend time there, ugh! WTF?!


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