today is not my day....

May 05, 2008 21:21

Been crying all night due to bills, money, vacation next month, etc and this piece of news just make me worse.

A well known polar bear here in Denver had died on Saturday, and I just found out about it.
I remember going to the zoo for years seeing him play, he LOVED to play with balls, and odd things like pumpkin's and I know I have photo's of him ( Read more... )

death, life, sad, tears, polar bear

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Comments 8

kelzies May 6 2008, 04:41:14 UTC
Sorry you have so many woes atm girlie *hugs*


pinkoceantides May 6 2008, 23:40:41 UTC
It's okay, I guess it happens to me once a week at least....

I just hate it when animals die, ya know.


music_fun May 6 2008, 05:05:03 UTC
that's awful! and liver cancer....the poor thing :/


pinkoceantides May 6 2008, 23:41:23 UTC
It totally does, and they didn't even know bout it until to WAY LATER blah.


bitterbird May 6 2008, 07:04:33 UTC
aww thats so sad :(


pinkoceantides May 6 2008, 23:41:35 UTC


bunkyb39 May 7 2008, 01:02:12 UTC
This is so sad! What is so ironic is we had our field trip to the zoo on Friday too and saw him out there! Big shocker when I found out. :(


pinkoceantides May 7 2008, 02:36:07 UTC
Really? Awee! :)

It sad huh? :(


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