Update 04/28/2008

Apr 28, 2008 19:34

So I thought a little update would be good, ha! I’ve been so busy it’s unreal and then after being on here for a while and whatnot I get so tired so I go lay down to read a book or something then I pass out. My kids at work are tiring me out and plus I just started working out a week and half ago, I had to start a diet I could fit into my clothes ( Read more... )

bars, life, dallas

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Comments 14

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pinkoceantides April 29 2008, 13:00:53 UTC
It does, I really wanted to get out of here, I cannot stand it they treat my dogs really mean.

OH yes I cannot wait so I can start shopping ha!

I wish you was too :(

*puts you in my bag with holes*


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pinkoceantides April 29 2008, 20:38:44 UTC


bitterbird April 29 2008, 03:56:42 UTC
aww sorry you dont get to move!
Dallas looks so fun!!


pinkoceantides April 29 2008, 13:01:08 UTC
Thanks, it sure does I'm excited but nervous ha!


kelzies April 29 2008, 22:37:55 UTC
Sorry you don't get to move :( Dallas is going to be so much fun!


pinkoceantides April 30 2008, 02:28:47 UTC
Thanks, maybe I got my hopes up to high ha!

Yes it will be, did you see my list up there? No one hasn't answered yet? :(


taintedangel80 May 3 2008, 02:12:16 UTC
Are you going to Steve's concert on Saturday night?


pinkoceantides May 3 2008, 03:21:15 UTC
Um, actually I didn't know I could go? I thought that was only open for Gold people? :]


taintedangel80 May 3 2008, 03:26:22 UTC
You can buy a ticket for it to go if you want. $25 for a preferred seat, or $15 for a general admission seat. The gold ticket people get in free.

I was just curious if you were going. My friends and I are not. I am not sure on the details yet, but I think that we are headed to my friend thelonejuliet's hotel a mile or so away to have a get together or something. I have seen Steve before, and I am not that big a fan to pay to see him. Hell, I walked out of the platinum party and then went back to my room and totally skipped his show at EyeCon. So I am not going to see him regardless of what we do instead.


pinkoceantides May 3 2008, 03:33:36 UTC
Oh okay cool, yea I have no intentions to go see him at all, and actually I don't have any extra money to fork out to see him, so if you want I'm free ha! :)


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