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Comments 18

junebeansprout April 24 2011, 22:26:35 UTC
I think I'll add you.. I've seen you around the BFing community and like how some of your comments are hippy-esque.. I post a lot (a lot, a lot?) but this is my "baby journal" not my "personal journal" though there isn't much difference except I don't mention baby's name in my personal, or hubs'.

Anywho, I'm Meaghan, I'm 22 and a mama to a 10 month old (today, YAY!) boy. I'm like.... 84% hippy and on my way up!

Add me if you like =)


pinkminx April 24 2011, 22:50:12 UTC
O hai, added back!


anjea September 15 2011, 16:39:30 UTC
You seem pretty awesome - I followed you over here from P101. Wanna be LJ friends?


pinkminx September 15 2011, 16:50:05 UTC
Sure! Adding.


marcsgen March 9 2012, 02:33:05 UTC
Hi! Found you through P101. May I friend you? I don't post a ton since baby 2, but you seem neat!h


pinkminx March 9 2012, 10:18:50 UTC


goingbronco June 30 2012, 06:15:05 UTC
Thanks for the response to my breastfeeding query.


dreamsrundeep July 6 2012, 12:55:07 UTC
I spotted you on my FriendsFriends page and was drawn to your photographs and style :) Adding!


pinkminx July 6 2012, 13:15:15 UTC
And back atcha!


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