uberhood: cho: round 1

Jul 08, 2013 22:26

Vivian. Etsu only got a haircut, which you will see later.

The first day is mainly used for Etsu's toddler training.

Oh, and meeting that guy upstairs. Timothy Riley.

Vivian: Congratulations for being a 3-bolt worth of hotness.
Timothy: *falls in love*


Child Etsu is gorgeous.

Oh, and Timothy got Vivian pregnant.

Etsu brought Daniel Bell from school and a sofa barricaded them when they hung out with each other.

So I have to get Timothy and some-random-townie-that-lives-in-the-same-building out from the Cho's apartment and they chose to fall asleep in the playground when they had rooms upstairs.

There are going to be a lot of children's gathering in any form in this Uberhood. They should know each other, having attended the same one school and all.

Time passed by and Vivian went into labor already. Baby-daddy's also there! :D

It's a baby boy with her exact colorings, named Hayate.

And the next thing the parents did was to give the baby to some random townie and woo themselves in front of him e____e ((no, no more pregnancy for her this round))

Timothy is a great unselectable dad, tho.

At Friday, Beatrice Monty and Daniel Bell came again to the Chos' apartment, to play chess with each other.

We'll end it with Etsu and Hal Capp hanging out at 7PM, outside. And yes, the night was sunny with little gray clouds.

cho, uberhood, belladonna cove

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