The Marker-Bright Legacy: Gen 1.1

Apr 15, 2011 20:28


Another challenge! This time it's a legacy! 
I never done it before, and I really like the concept of an Awesomesauce legacy, so I take a stab on it.
Also for Pixel Trade, though, so will be many Sims by other people showing up :3

Featuring Sims by: stakeit_uk, pinkposeysims, sounseelie, charterzardkejsarinna ,  nutmegdealer, popcorn_bucket, katu_sims, juri_anne and myself :)

This is my founder, Bonnie Marker-Bright. I have a shades-of-color naming scheme. She is a Family/Knowledge Sim, a Leo (4-10-4-4-3), and has the LTW of Education Minister.

She went Downtown and met stakeit_uk 's Lincoln Darwin. No boltage of any sort, but it's okay since there's still a lot of P_T Sims here :)

This is DJ Bonnie Marker-Wright! She's broke after I built her house (can be seen later), so, why not.

Say hi for my very own Hera Danger. Also for the official DJ of P.U.R.E and pinkposeysims 's Oberon Dragos.

And Bonnie is still DJ-ing. Actually her 'DJ session' is almost finished, though.

Out from the DJ table and dance floor, then go straight to the bar. She flirts Oberon and I say hi to sounseelie 's Sorcha September.

Free food! Someone served hot dogs, and Bonnie had to take it. And eat it, of course.

She definitely has to work again. As a bartender this time, serving Oberon.

But she stops when charterzard 's Jelly October approached her to admire her.

Back to the home. Yes, it's Bonnie and Oberon :)

Oberon soon moved in.

And Bonnie got her dream job :D

Oberon manages to birdwatch at night.

And skips rope at night. And he has blue sweatshirt! :D

Engagement! And because it's midnight, the wedding will be held at the next morning.

And it's the wedding! Bonnie went late to work because of this, but I'm satisfied. (Please ignore color-inappropriate formal wear of the couple's.) Our guest, from left to right and front row to the back, there are charterzard's Lolo Brava, a Maxis elder townie which is Bonnie's friend, juri_anne's Slannen Frell, katu_sims's Bao-Dur Dork, popcorn_bucket's Marigold Aida-Wedo, and  nutmegdealer's Aintzane Grosvenor.

While kejsarinna's Miral (that was also invited) decided that snagging a can of instant meal from the Marker-Bright's fridge is way better than watching the wedding. ROFL. Although I, as a normal teenager, probably will do it too in people's wedding :D

Please ignore Miral's antics for awhile, and just watch this wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Marker-Bright :)

Until the point of nice cake-feeding by Oberon (although only his hand appeared here) to the cute!Bonnie :3 And OHAI Maxis Townie friend of Bonnie and Marigold. P.S: Bonnie went to work after this point.

Later that night, yeah. And she is pregnant!

Bad: Bonnie passed out. Worse: She passed out really, really nearby to the bed. Seriously nearby. When I woke her up after some Sim!minutes of sleep, she's still able to walk to the bed.

Another pop! :)

I just want to give Oberon airtime, is that wrong? And ignore color-inappropiate PJs!

Because Bonnie ran upstairs to give birth!

Yeah, here is it. A girl, Regalia. Regalia is a shade of bluish-purple.
Black-hair and alien skin guaranteed, and alien eyes from Oberon. Because it's Awesimsauce, it means, I SHOULDA MAKE BONNIE PREGNANT AGAIN! :D

That's all for now, I haven't played them again. I'm too busy playing Uberhood colleges :/
Next in my LJ is probably Uber's Veronaville. I had done it, and I shoulda update before I forgot D:
Though nobody cares.

marker-bright, awesimsauce

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