The Social Network [Fanfic]

May 15, 2011 16:49


Disclaimer: I do not own or profit from anything in relation to TSN. 
Warning: Slash but nothing too major. Swearing. 
Pairing(s): Jesse/Andrew
Summary:  Jesse finally comes to the realization that his best friend is in love with him.  He also realizes that everyone thinks their screwing. 
AN: My god, I am so obsessed with this pairing. All of ( Read more... )

andrew, tsn, slash, jesse, fanfiction, jesse/andrew

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Comments 14

miraizo May 15 2011, 09:19:03 UTC
oh, so sweet! :)))
thank you for this!


pink_bambi13 May 15 2011, 10:06:51 UTC
Thank YOU for reading my fic :D Just love this community. so. freakin. much. <3


(The comment has been removed)

pink_bambi13 May 15 2011, 13:46:47 UTC
I'm very glad you think so :D

Thanks for commenting! <3


zoetrope13 May 15 2011, 15:16:37 UTC
This was so sweet and cute <3


pink_bambi13 May 16 2011, 00:44:03 UTC
Thank you so much!! And your icon is just magnificent!


zoetrope13 May 16 2011, 18:59:09 UTC
Thanks! :D


barbaragail May 15 2011, 15:59:29 UTC
Andrew's expression almost glows and there is a strange smile on his face, one that he hasn't seen before.And then arms are wrapping around him and he's within the tightest, warmest hug he's ever received. He can hear his heart pounding heavily as he wraps his own arms around Andrew's lean form and squeezes back.

I really enjoyed this wonderfully sweet and romantic story.

Andrew is so tall that that he has to tilt his head up and when he exposes his neck, he feels kisses descend lower and lower, until not even his collarbone is safe.

Hee - lovely image!

Thanks so much for sharing - I hope your write more about the guys. (hint hint - I'd love to know more about Jesse's tour of London)


pink_bambi13 May 16 2011, 00:46:23 UTC
Wow, that is so kind of you! I'm really glad that I managed to pull off the romantic feel of the fic! I just love that cutesy look Andrew get's on his face when he looks over at Jesse. Thank you for reading and I'll definitely be posting more fics in the future!


silenceguardian May 15 2011, 16:26:05 UTC
This was the cutest thing I have read in a while, gstjdyj thank you so much for taking the time to~
It's wonderfully written and so so so sweet, I can see Andrew's crinkling smile in my head and it's the best thing ever. <3333
You're awesome, wonderful, etc. (:
The best line was totally:
"I just thought they were imagining things. But you just kissed me so I guess, logically, that they were merely pointing out an accurate observation."
So perfectly Jesse.


pink_bambi13 May 16 2011, 00:48:29 UTC
ehehe thank you so much :D
I truly think the best compliment is to be told (in some way) that you pulled off a character. So THANK YOU! You're comment made me absolutely giddy with happiness!
Andrew's smile is possibly the cutest thing in the world. <3


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