Hearts Are Made Of Broken Glass 11/13 (Crowley, Castiel, Dean, rated PG-13)

Aug 10, 2012 19:37

Title:  Hearts Are Made Of Broken Glass
Author: pink_bagels
Genre: humour, drama
Pairing(s): Castiel/Crowley (eventually...kind of...), Dean/Crowley (eventually...kind of? o.O)
Rating: PG-13
Words: 2352
Disclaimer: You kidding? I own nothing.
Warnings: Some spoilers for the seventh season and some deviation from canon at the end of the sixth.
Note: This ( Read more... )


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Comments 9

rochvymetal August 11 2012, 06:48:16 UTC
I thought I should probably comment so you know I'm still enjoying this story of yours. I adore Crowley, and I think that this bit of writing takes a very creative look at his character. I'm really liking the story, and am so glad it's back from hiatus (I kept checking every couple weeks or so...it was sad.) Can't wait to read the rest!


pink_bagels August 12 2012, 02:56:41 UTC
Holy wow, do I ever feel guilty--I wanted to finish this up and it kept nagging the back of my mind (I hate unfinished projects!). Very glad I went back, and I'm very happy you're still enjoying the story! I know it has some grammar nags which I will fix up once it's done--how have your efforts been panning out? I've been checking out your lj periodically as well hoping to find more of *your* Crowley fic (nag, nag, nag :P)...

Thank you for your kind comments, they are very, very much appreciated! :D


rochvymetal August 12 2012, 04:12:26 UTC
Oh no! I wasn't trying to make anyone feel guilty :( I just missed it was all. Also, I've hardly noticed any grammar stuff, so don't be worried about that.

And oh no, I don't know when they'll be more Crowley fic. Got over 7000 words into one and then nothing. I haven't written on it in months. I have no idea what to do. I refuse to post it incomplete, cause I have no clue when my muse will quit being on strike. I'll keep trying though :)


pink_bagels August 12 2012, 12:21:57 UTC
For myself, I find guilt to be a great motivator, so no worries ;P. I have projects no one has read that aren't finished yet and they make me feel guilty too, so it's kind of a creative vicious cycle.

As for unco-operative muses, sometimes they need a good kick in the pants and some freewriting can help knock loose some of those bolts holding that story prisoner. 7,000 words? I'm *dying* to read this! If you feel comfortable with using a a pair of extra eyes, I'm at pinkbagels@gmail.com and I'd be more than happy to help in any way you like.


muses_wander August 11 2012, 14:50:38 UTC

So excited this is up -- and I just love your Crowley. And I like the dynamic between Crowley and Dean -- I've always liked their dynamic on the show and it translates really well here. :)


pink_bagels August 12 2012, 02:57:28 UTC
Snarky little devils, aren't they? Glad you are enjoying the story still and thank you so much for your comments! :D


patriciatepes October 9 2012, 18:48:17 UTC
Oh dear. I loved Dean and Crowley's conversation... but that ending. Must move on!


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