Story for Glam_Bingo: Good For You

Dec 10, 2010 19:16

Title:  Good For You

Prompt:  GlamNation:  Fever

Pairing:  Adam/Tommy

Rating:  R-NC-17

Warnings:  m/m loving and language

Disclaimer:  I do not own the boys.  This story is purely fictional and for entertainment purposes only.

Summary:  The first few moments of Fever are Tommy’s favorite.

Word Count:  2234

Author’s Notes:  This story was written for glam_bingo.  I hope you enjoy it.  Thanks for reading.  Feedback is always welcome.

Tommy hadn’t admitted it to anyone, but the first few moments of Fever were his favorite times on stage.  He loved having Adam close to him.  The feelings had started during the first show…long before the kissing had begun.

Once Adam had started kissing him during Fever, Tommy found himself waiting for it and being disappointed if he didn’t get a kiss.  Adam was an amazing kisser.  He put everything he was feeling into the kiss.  Tommy’s favorite kisses were the ones where Adam really let go…where he kissed him like no one was watching.

Tommy suspected that he was in love with Adam.  He was afraid to admit his feelings though.  Adam was his boss and best friend.  He’d never felt like this about another man and he didn’t want to hurt Adam.  Even though Adam said that it was all in fun and for the fans, Tommy knew that there were real feelings on Adam’s part.

The tour was winding down.  Tommy was a little sad about that.  He knew that he’d still see Adam, but it wouldn’t be the same.  He wouldn’t see him everyday and there would be no more fan service.  Tommy felt a little like he was going crazy.  He didn’t know what the next move was, but he knew that he had to make it.

Tommy almost broke in Amsterdam.  Adam was a force to be reckoned with that night.  The kiss during Fever was hot, but it only got more intense from there.  Adam kissed him again during Purple Haze.  However, what almost made Tommy tell Adam how he had been feeling was the kiss during Whole Lotta Love.  Tommy didn’t even know if he should call it a kiss.  It was more like Adam devouring him.  He loved it.  He wanted it to never end.

Tommy almost told him after the show about his feelings, but he stopped himself.  They were both a little high from the pot that had been passed around.  He didn’t want to admit his feelings when he was impaired by drugs…when Adam was impaired.  He didn’t want there to be any question that his feelings were real and not drug induced.

Glasgow changed everything.  The kiss during Fever wasn’t anything out of the ordinary.  It was soft and quick, but it sent electricity through Tommy’s body.  The other kisses had been amazing, but something about this one was different…maybe it was because there was only one more show left in the tour.  Whatever the reason, Tommy decided that after the show he was finally going to admit to Adam how he felt about him.

“Hey, Adam, can we talk?”  Tommy asked Adam after the show as he followed him.

“Of course…What’s up?”  Adam inquired as he headed into the dressing room.  He began to remove his costume.

“Actually, it’s something I’d like to talk about when we have more privacy.”  Tommy told him as he looked around.  He knew that anyone could walk in at any minute.  He was ready to admit his feelings to Adam and he didn’t want to be interrupted.

“Alright…Is everything okay?”  Adam questioned as he looked at Tommy with concern.

“Everything is fine.”  Tommy answered with a smile.

“Okay…Well, I have to meet with some people.  Why don’t you meet me in my hotel room in about an hour or so?”  Adam suggested as he finished changing his clothes.

“Sounds good.”  Tommy responded.

Tommy stood up on his tiptoes and lightly kissed Adam’s cheek.  The two men stared at each other as Tommy headed for the door.

An hour later, Tommy was waiting for Adam outside his hotel room.  He wasn’t back yet.  Tommy leaned against the wall and tried to contain his nerves.  He knew that he was doing the right thing.  However, no matter what happened tonight things were going to be different between him and Adam.

“Sorry…The meeting took longer than I thought.”  Adam apologized as he came rushing down the hall.

“No big deal.  I’ve only been waiting a few minutes.”  Tommy replied as Adam opened the door and led the way in.

“Can I have just two minutes to get the rest of this make-up off?”  Adam questioned as he gestured to his face.

“Of course…Take your time.  I’m not going anywhere.”  Tommy told him with a smile.  He was glad Adam wanted to take off the make-up.  Adam was gorgeous when he was all made up, but he was breathtaking without the make-up.

“Okay…Make yourself comfortable…Help yourself to something to drink.”  Adam spoke gesturing around the room and entering the bathroom.

Tommy got himself a bottle of water and took a seat on the couch.  He took two sips and then began to pick at the label.  After a few minutes, Adam came out of the bathroom.  He got his own bottle of water and took a seat beside Tommy.

“So what’s going on, Tommy Joe?”  Adam asked reaching over and placing his hand on Tommy’s knee.

Tommy looked at him and smiled.  He placed his hand on top of Adam’s and squeezed.  Now that he was here with Adam, he wasn’t sure where to start.  He was quiet trying to choose his words.  Adam turned his hand over and laced his fingers with Tommy’s.

“I know that you said everything is alright, but you’re starting to freak me out a little.”  Adam told him.

“I’m sorry.  I was just trying to figure out how to say what I want to tell you.”  Tommy explained with a smile at Adam.

“Just say it.  I can handle whatever it is.  I…”  Adam started to say.

“I’m in love with you.”  Tommy blurted out interrupting Adam.

Adam just stared at him.  Obviously, he was shocked by Tommy’s confession.  Tommy squeezed his hand.

“I’ve been having these feelings for you practically since I met you, but I was scared to admit them.  I’ve never felt like this about a man.  Truthfully, I’ve never felt like this about anyone.  But I was terrified that it wasn’t real.  I didn’t want to tell you until I was sure because I knew that even though you said that what we did onstage was for the fans, you felt more.  I didn’t want to hurt you or take advantage of you, but I’m sure.  I love you.”  Tommy explained as he turned to face Adam.

Tommy knew he was rambling, but he had to make Adam understand.  Adam still looked a little shocked.  He was trying to process everything Tommy had just said.

“Adam, now you’re starting to freak me out.  Say something, please.”  Tommy pleaded quietly as he reached up to touch Adam’s cheek.

“I can’t…I never thought…I just…”  Adam mumbled as he leaned into Tommy’s touch and closed his eyes.  He felt like he was going to cry.

Tommy couldn’t take it anymore.  He wanted Adam to know that he was serious.  He leaned over and pressed his lips to Adam’s lips firmly.

The instant their lips touched Adam’s face went from shock to lust.  He placed one hand on Tommy’s neck and pressed their mouths together even more.  His other hand found Tommy’s waist.  He squeezed and tried to pull him closer.  Tommy moved closer with a sigh.  He tangled one hand in Adam’s hair and gripped his shirt with the other.  Without hesitation, Tommy opened his mouth for Adam’s tongue.

After several minutes, Adam finally pulled away from the kiss.  He was smiling in satisfaction.  Tommy was happily dazed.

“That was incredible…So much better than when we’re onstage.”  Tommy declared.

“Yeah, it was.  I didn’t have to stop to sing the next line.”  Adam replied with a giggle.

“You didn’t have to stop at all, so why did you?”  Tommy questioned as he snuggled closer to Adam.

“I stopped so that I could tell you that I’m in love with you too.”  Adam answered resting his forehead against Tommy’s.

“Kiss me again.”  Tommy demanded softly running his hand from Adam’s chest to his cheek.

Adam smiled and leaned in.  The two men kissed slowly for a long time.  As the make out session intensified, Adam laid Tommy back on the couch.  He slid his hand under Tommy’s shirt as they continued to kiss.

Adam took his kisses to Tommy’s neck.  His fingers found Tommy’s nipple and pinched it.  Tommy moaned in pleasure.

“Adam, baby, I want more…I…I need more.”  Tommy stammered as Adam continued to play with his nipples.

“How much more?  What do you want, baby?”  Adam quizzed as he stopped everything he was doing.

“I want everything, Adam.”  Tommy replied breathlessly as he leaned up to capture Adam’s mouth again.

They kissed on the couch and allowed their hands to roam each other’s bodies.  After a little while, Adam removed himself from Tommy and stood up.  He reached out for Tommy’s hand.  He began to lead him over to the bed.  He was just about to crawl on the bed when Tommy pulled on his hand to stop him.

“What is it?  We don’t have to…”  Adam spoke as he turned to face Tommy.

“I want to…I just think that it would be easier if we took our clothes off before we got into bed.”  Tommy told him with a smirk.

“I like the way you think.”  Adam whispered before kissing Tommy again.

When they broke the kiss, Tommy reached down to undo his pants.  Adam swatted his hands away.

“Let me.”  Adam breathed as he reached for the zipper.

Slowly, Adam undressed Tommy.  He allowed his hands to run over his exposed flesh.  He dropped kisses along Tommy’s neck and shoulders.  Tommy closed his eyes and sighed.  Having Adam like this was better than he had ever imagined.

When Tommy was naked, Adam took a step back.  He looked Tommy up and down.  He smiled in appreciation.

“God, Tommy, you’re so beautiful.”  Adam stated as he pulled Tommy against him.  He captured his mouth in a dirty kiss.

As they kissed, Tommy began to undo Adam’s pants.  He didn’t protest.  When his pants were around his ankles, he broke the kiss and stepped out of them.  They locked eyes and smiled.  Adam lifted his arms up and Tommy pulled his shirt over his head.  Now that Adam was completely naked, Tommy took a moment to look at him.

“Adam, you’re so gorgeous.”  Tommy told him as he reached out and placed his hand on Adam’s chest.

Pure desire flashed across Adam’s face as he pulled Tommy to him.  They kissed passionately and tumbled onto the bed.  The two men kissed and touched.  They rutted against one another.  Before long, they both came without ever having touched each other’s cocks.

Adam groaned and rolled off of Tommy.  They were both breathing heavy.

“Fuck…I haven’t cum like that since I was a teenager.”  Adam declared.  It had felt good, but he was a little disappointed in himself.  He had wanted more than that.

“Me either.  Shit, if that was that amazing, actual sex is going to be phenomenal.”  Tommy stated rolling over and cuddling up to Adam.

“Are you…Are you disappointed?”  Adam asked quietly a few moments later.

“No…Of course not!”  Tommy exclaimed as he moved to look at Adam.  He looked upset.  “Baby, that was great.  I know that we didn’t really do anything but kiss and rub against one another, but it felt good.  We both needed that.  We needed a release.  We’ve been holding all this in for months.  I’m surprised that we were able to wait until we had our clothes off.”

“You’re right.  I just want all of this to be good for you.”  Adam responded.

“I want it to be good for you too, baby.”  Tommy stated as he leaned down and lightly kissed Adam’s lips.

Quickly, they deepened the kiss.  This time they took their time.  They each explored one another’s bodies with their hands and their mouths.  Adam used his fingers to open Tommy up as he sucked his cock.  When Tommy had released in Adam’s mouth, he kissed his way back up his body.  As Adam kissed Tommy deeply, he slid into him.  It hurt, but Adam was gentle and slow.  In no time at all, Tommy was moaning and writhing underneath him.  Adam shouted Tommy’s name as he came inside him minutes later.

After Adam removed himself, he went to the bathroom.  He returned a few moments later with a wet washcloth.  He cleaned Tommy up and then crawled back into bed with him.  They cuddled up together.  Tommy placed his head on Adam’s chest.  Adam wrapped his arm around him.

“I love you.”  Tommy stated sleepily before placing a kiss on Adam’s chest.

“I love you too.”  Adam breathed before kissing the top of Tommy’s head.

The kiss during Fever in London was perfect.  Adam was right in his face with a bright smile.  Tommy couldn’t help but laugh and lean in for the kiss.  They were in on a secret that no one else knew about.  Tommy didn’t know what the future held now that Glam Nation was over, but he knew that there would be another tour with the next album.  He also knew that he was going to insist that they play Fever on the next tour as well.  He’d play that song every day for the rest of his life if Adam kissed him every time.

glam_bingo, adam/tommy, fanfic, adam lambert, fever, tommy ratliff, adommy

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