Fic: Inanna's Descent

Oct 16, 2009 19:49

Title: Inanna’s Descent
Author: Pinigir
Fandom: Sumerian Mythology
Characters/Pairing: Ereshkigal, mentions of Inanna, Dumuzi and others. Ereshkigal/Dumuzi and Inanna/Dumuzi implied.
Rating: PG
Warnings: None.
Summary: Ereshkigal remembers Inanna’s attempts at gaining power over Death.
Disclaimer: Though it does belong to the public domain since give or ( Read more... )

mythology, fiction

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Comments 8

wynkat1313 October 16 2009, 20:38:22 UTC
Interesting. I like seeing the story from Ereshkigal's POV, though to me it reads a rather like an essay about history, kind of like she's not emotional involved in the facts.


pinigir October 16 2009, 21:06:07 UTC
Thanks for reading! Yeah, it was a bit difficult to write about this without getting all those details in, because I feared that no one would know what I was talking about otherwise. Maybe I'll get the mix better next time.


wynkat1313 October 17 2009, 00:00:49 UTC
Oh I know that feeling! There is so much good material in there. I have the same problem working with the Demeter stuff. When there is alot of good detail already out there, the temptation is to put it all in. My very first Demeter/Persephone story actually had nearly more footnotes than prose, lol.

Given how well you know this myth, I look forward to your next versions and explorations. I expect they will be very cool.


pinigir October 17 2009, 00:27:17 UTC
Yes, it's easy to want too much at one time. But now that this is out of the way, I think I might be able to explore all this in a more relaxed manner. (And I just wish I could rely on more people knowing the myths. Having the feeling I need to explain everything isn't very helpful.)

By the way, I compared this myth to the one of Demeter and Persephone for my bachelor thesis. Oh, and the myth of Adonis is pretty much directly related to Inanna's myth.


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