And let the bandom!fic posting begin...
Title: Male Bonding is Always Aided by the Presence of Ponies
Fandom: The OC/Bandom (P!atD)
Pairing: Captain Oats/Tornado. Also Seth/Brendon (and Ryan/Ryan but only if you squint an awful lot)
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Obviously this isn’t real, what with fictional characters interacting with real people who I have put in a fictional setting. But you know Brendon definitely has a My Little Pony.
A/N: This is from a random convo I had with
rain_dances that stuck with me for days until it just sort of…happened. Also, this may be the first part of more. Because OMG Panic!/The OC = OTP
Seth watched the boy as he sat on the edge of the pool, feet dangling in the water. He was humming to himself quietly, attention focused on something in his lap.
“Er,” said Seth, stepping forward. “Hi?”
The boy turned around. “Hey!” he said brightly, enormous grin making his eyes crinkle at the edges. “You must be Seth.”
Seth nodded slowly, staring at the boy.
“I’m Brendon. Your Mom said it was cool to wait out here.”
There was a moment of awkward silence.
“Oh,” Brendon said, laughing. “I should explain. I’ve just moved in next door. Mom and Dad got sick of me hanging around, getting in the way, so I decided to explore. I heard that some kids lived here so I thought I’d come and say hi.”
He waved, revealing the toy pony he had in his lap.
Seth grinned and let himself fall cross-legged to the ground beside Brendon. “I like your pony,” he said. “She’s cute.”
“He,” Brendon corrected, handing him over. Seth turned the pony over in his hands, thinking he could be forgiven for thinking it was a girl.
The pony was blue, with a long mane and tail that had probably once been white but was now striped with various colours that had obviously come from magic markers. Its eyes were outlined in black pen, and there was a liberal sprinkling of glitter on its rump that Seth was pretty sure hadn’t been on the original. It also had on a bright purple cap, slit on one side to let an ear poke through, that was perched at a jaunty angle and held in place with a bit of elastic under its chin.
“One of my friends glammed him up a bit,” Brendon explained, grinning. “His name’s Tornado. My cousin, Jon, bought him for me years ago, ‘cos he said I was so full of energy that I always swept in and tore everything up like a tornado. I used to wish he was a unicorn or had wings but…whatever. I don’t anymore. I think he’s perfect.”
Brendon reached for Tornado. “I kinda like to take him everywhere with me, especially when I don’t know people. He’s like a good luck charm,” he added defensively, as if waiting for Seth to say something mean.
Instead, Seth handed the pony back. “Wait right here,” he said, and took the stairs two at a time up to his room.
“Having fun?” Kirstin called as he flew back through the house, Captain Oats clutched in his hand. Seth threw a wave over his shoulder then skidded to a stop beside Brendon, who had returned to his humming and fidgeting.
“Look,” Seth said, panting a little and feeling suddenly shy as he held Captain Oats out. “This is Captain Oats.” He twisted the ball of his foot into the ground and bit his bottom lip.
“Cool!” Brendon exclaimed, taking him carefully. He held him reverently, turning him around and stroking his main gently. Then he placed him beside Tornado.
“Tornado,” he said solemnly. “This is Captain Oats. He’s going to be your new best friend here in Newport. Captain Oats, this is Tornado. He thinks you’re really awesome.”
Seth grinned and sank to the ground, picking his horse up. “Captain Oats thinks Tornado is really…pretty,” he said, flailing for the right word.
Brendon beamed at him. “They should get married and have cute baby ponies together,” he said, clapping his hands together.
Seth frowned. “They’re both boys,” he said.
Brendon nodded. “I know,” he said, as if that was completely normal, and Seth figured, hey, he was open minded and he guessed it was completely normal and also kinda cool, although Princess Sparkles (and therefore Summer) might feel a bit left out. But he really wasn’t going to worry about that right now, and Brendon seemed pretty awesome.
An hour and a half later, they were interrupted by Ryan, heading out to the pool house.
“Dude,” Ryan said, shadow falling over them both. “You’re 16. Shouldn’t you be at least playing with Transformers or something?”
Seth and Brendon exchanged a look.
“He’s secretly jealous,” Seth explained, as if Ryan wasn’t standing over them. “He was a deprived child. I think he wants a pony of his own.”
“Ooh,” Brendon said. “There’s a new Pegasus pony out. It’s green and has yellow sparkles and-“ he looked up and frowned. “Oh,” he said. “He’s gone.”
Seth shrugged and they went back to playing.
And that was how Seth and Brendon became firm friends.
Brendon had been bouncing around for weeks and weeks, and it was starting to drive Seth a little crazy. He’d managed to get Brendon on board with the Chrismukkah thing, gotten caught up in the whirlwind of Brendon’s excitement at the prospect of experiencing his first Chrismukkah, and then had lost Brendon to the distraction of his friends arriving for the holidays, all in the space of a few weeks.
“…and then this one time, Spencer, you won’t believe what he did, oh God, it was so funny…” Brendon had been choking out stories like that for weeks between gales of laughter, always finishing with, “you should have been there. You’re going to love them…”
And so Seth had pretty much been all prepared to hate them; even more so when Brendon appeared to vanish off the face of the planet for almost a week.
But then he’d shown up on December 23rd, with three guys, an apologetic grin and a tiny Santa hat.
”I made it for Captain Oats,” Brendon had explained, and Seth had taken it, letting his fingertips brush against Brendon’s for a long moment, and then grinned and invited them all in for breakfast bagels.
“They seem nice,” Seth said, grudgingly, sitting at the kitchen table, adjusting the hat to a more rakish angle on Captain Oats’ head, and Brendon shot him a dazzling smile.
“They’re great. They’re fantastic,” Brendon said, grinning over at where Jon was being spoken to earnestly by Sandy. Marissa and Summer had immediately grabbed Spencer (who Seth wasn’t even convinced was a boy because what boy had hips like that?) and disappeared off to decorate the tree.
“Do you think the Ryans are okay?” Seth asked, frowning a little.
After the ‘This is my best friend Ryan’ / ‘This is my best friend Ryan’ introductions, Brendon’s Ryan had looked Seth’s Ryan up and down, pointed a finger at the ubiquitous white wife-beater and had shaken his head.
“No,” he’d said. “Just no.”
And before Seth’s Ryan could protest, he’d been dragged off towards the pool house.
“I love Chrismukkah,” Brendon made Tornado say, and Seth maybe fell a little bit in love with him right then and there.
“Hey, here come the Ryans,” he said after a moment or two, realising he’d been staring at Brendon for longer than was appropriate. His Ryan was now clad in a t-shirt and blazer and-“
“Are you wearing eyeliner?” Seth asked, gaping at his friend.
“I don’t want to talk about it,” Ryan said through a clenched jaw. He had that look he always got whenever he was about to use his fists of fury, so Seth let him stalk past into the dining room, Brendon’s Ryan following with a smug look on his face.
Seth turned back to Brendon, who was watching him with a soft, silly look on his face.
“You know,” Seth said, scooping up Captain Oats and grabbing Brendon’s hand. He tugged him up and pulled him towards the dining room, full of music and laughter and voices. They paused in the doorway, and he gave Brendon’s hand a squeeze. “I think this is may be the best Chrismukkah ever.”
He started to head into the dining room, but Brendon held back.
”What?” Seth asked.
”Wait,” Brendon held his hand out for Captain Oats. He walked over to the kitchen counter, placing Tornado and Captain Oats opposite each other, noses touching as best they could with the height difference. Then he reached out and snagged a few sprigs of mistletoe from a festive centrepiece Kirstin had placed on the counter. He carefully hung one sprig above the ponies heads.
“There,” Brendon said. “That’s better.”
He slid another sprig into his pocket, catching Seth’s questioning look.
“I thought I’d keep some on hand, just in case,” Brendon explained, giving him a wink that may or may not have been serious - which showed that Seth was spending too much time with Ryan who never joked or used sarcasm or, actually, really said anything much. He was losing his ability to tell seriousness from playfulness and it was going to end up in Seth doing something incredibly stupid.
Possibly sometime very soon, he thought, as Brendon grabbed him by the wrist and dragged him into the dining room to join the others. And even if it was incredibly stupid, he was betting it would also be incredibly good too.
There may will probably be more. Mainly because I want to see Brendon’s first day at school with Seth (and how he’d take Tornado, and Seth would be all ‘dude, not here!’ and Brendon would be all hurt and think Seth was embarrassed by him, and it’d turn out that Seth had just learnt to survive in highschool before Ryan arrived to protect him) and Summer and Brendon having a face off about which of their ponies was prettier (Tornado, obv.) and also maybe some Ryan/Ryan in which Seth’s Ryan expects to top because Brendon’s Ryan looks like a girl and RyRo just looks at him and is all ‘Uh, no, I don’t think so’ and RyAt (shut up, I need something to distinguish them from each other) finds that he really, really, really likes it. Plus RyRo is pleasantly bendy.