Title: The Peace Awaits Prompt: Lower Pairing: Sakumoto Genre: fluff Rating: PG-13 Summary: Noisy workplace to endure and a quiet room to come home to.
I love it so much!! A tender and romantic Sho who makes Jun go tokidoki is always so good. It's hard for me to decide if I want to be called by Sho's soothing voice, or I want to call Jun with my soothing voice, you get what I mean? I read your fic last night, and then I read it again today at morning, it gives me a very warm feeling.
Thank you for reading and commenting! <3 Oh I know that feeling, though I prefer to be in Jun's position more :"))) Sho's low voice is just.. deadly //// I'm glad that this fic made your morning warm xP
Comments 21
"Jun. Jun. Jun." <- at this, I melt. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawww~~ :3 :3
Thanks for sharing this!
I love it x'D
...Try changing the "Jun" with your name. ugh. /whoops
Thanks for reading and commenting!! <33
I asked Zero to imagine herself in Jun's place when she was beta-ing this fooohohoho~
In~ your~ miind~♪
*runs away*
I love thisss! I love youuuuu! Well I always love domestic Sakumoto but really this is greaaaaat! *hugs you*
I love you too for reading and commenting~ Thaaanks <333
*hugs you back*
Thanks for sharing!!!
<3 <3 for you! :D
Thanks for reading and commenting~ <333
A tender and romantic Sho who makes Jun go tokidoki is always so good.
It's hard for me to decide if I want to be called by Sho's soothing voice, or I want to call Jun with my soothing voice, you get what I mean?
I read your fic last night, and then I read it again today at morning, it gives me a very warm feeling.
Oh I know that feeling, though I prefer to be in Jun's position more :")))
Sho's low voice is just.. deadly ////
I'm glad that this fic made your morning warm xP
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