Title: Agaze
Pairing: Ryo, Ueda
Rating: Pg-13
Summary: Written with a prompt I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night. A series of meetings under the stars that might be a bit too good to be true.
beltenebra, requested
here. Amy, I kind of wrote this as a kind of Christmas fic from me to you. And a thank you for all the beta work <3 I know it may be too little for all that. ♥
“Maybe I could tolerate us breathing the same air for a while,” Ryo says as he slides down the wall right next the back exit of the jimusho building.
Ueda just sniffs disapprovingly as Ryo lights up, his nose wrinkling, but keeps looking up.
“Oh shut up. I know you actually do smoke from time to time,” Ryo retorts and glances up to see what Ueda is looking at. “Oh. How come you can see them from here?”
Ueda shrugs and hugs his knees closer to his body.
The back door opens and closes silently, and Ueda kicks a pebble before leaning against the wall.
“Won’t you sit down?” Ryo asks from where he is making his way through his cigarette pack.
Ueda only stares at him for long thirty seconds before biting his lips as if he was trying really hard not to tell Ryo off and finally looking into the dark above them. Ryo keeps his head tilted up as well. His view is somehow alluring.
Ryo’s head falls to Ueda’s shoulder the moment his bottom hits the cold ground behind the jimusho.
“I’m out of cigarettes,” he mumbles. Ueda sighs and fidgets a little. Ryo decides not to comment because suddenly he is a bit more comfortable.
They just sit there, and Ryo would fall asleep if he did not know he has to get back in about ten minutes and if Ueda’s shoulder was not just a bit too hard, too manly, and if his hair did not tickle Ryo’s face.
“The stars are still pretty though,” Ueda mumbles a while later and chuckles when Ryo almost jumps at the sound.
“I have to get back,” he says and quickly gets up. The last thing he sees is Ueda looking up, a thick vein under the skin of his neck pulsing with the heartbeat Ryo felt vibrating through him just seconds ago. Ueda’s eyes are narrowed and his lips are trembling lightly as if he was counting the stars.
“Pretty,” Ryo agrees before the door closes.
Ryo does not remember which one came first this time, and it really is not important, not when all the anger leaves him when he tilts his head up and when he somehow feels less tired just because he can smell the fresh fragrance he now associates with Ueda. He does not realize he is still moving his foot to the rhythm of the song he has been learning minutes ago until a hand lands on his knee, stilling him, making him look to the side, breath caught in his lungs.
Ueda looks at him for the whole thirty seconds, just gazes at him the way he gazes at those beautiful beautiful stars, calmly, maybe a little sad, maybe a little happy, before tilting his head, moving forward and brushing his lips against Ryo’s. Ryo’s nerves come back to life, and has he been this tense only minutes ago?
The door closes silently, and Ryo looks up, realizes the stars are still there, despite them being in central Tokyo with too much light for them to be really seen.
Ryo looks up on instinct, just for a second, steals a glance at what he has come to love so much,then grabs Ueda’s shoulder and pushes him into the wall right next to the back exit of the jimusho. When Ryo kisses Ueda, it is not just lips, but also teeth and tongues, all clashing and hurried and too much and too fast until there is a loud thud against the door and they are being opened quickly, and Ryo pushes himself away, Ueda’s fingers catching and pulling his hair painfully.
There are two juniors with a trophy cigarette in hand, and Ryo stares at them and at Ueda in turn. He looks up but just for a second before catching the sight of Ueda’s swollen lips and dark eyes again. The door behind the juniors scared away by the silence of their sempais does not get to close, Ryo slipping back in too fast. The stars looked a bit pale anyway.
Ueda sits by the back exit, his head tilted back, his arms hugging his knees, his eyes shut close.
“So this is where you’ve been disappearing to?” Koki asks when he finds Ueda sitting on the floor by the back exit of the jimusho. “We are cutting the break a bit shorter, have to be back in five,” he adds when Ueda’s eyes focus on him.
“Do you have your cigarettes on you?” Ueda asks. Koki raises an eyebrow but hands them over along with the lighter. Ueda lights up and offers one to Koki.
“I’ll go ahead. It’s too cold and dark back here,” Koki says and shuts the door behind himself quietly.
Ryo comes out to his balcony and looks up. The dark envelopes him, sucks him in and does not want to leave. There are no stars, no whatsoever. Of course, there is too much light beneath for him to see anything in the sky above. Of course.
The door of the back exit creaks, as if it was not used for the long time, when Ryo opens it sharply in his effort to escape. He is hit with the late night air, with the late night darkness. Too thick. Ryo feels it digging into his skin and wonders since when it makes him feel naked, baring all his faults and fears, and leaving him scared. He used to like the night, it was soothing, made him content, shone at the end of his days. He pulls his collar closer to his neck and moves. How stupid; there are no stars in Tokyo, and that can be only good. No one can see him this way.
Long time no see. Sorry? For the long pause and for the unhappy ending.
For those that might be interested I wrote a huge chunk of trains and trails and may have figured out the last scene so yay? Maybe I´ll finally be a good girl and get it done
Comments, edits, huge mistakes that need to be fixed?