Title: Custody Author: creepylicious/alles_luege Pairing: Bruce/John (eventually), Bruce/OFC Rating: PG-NC-17 Summary: In which John is adopted by Wayne, grows up in the manor and develops feelings for Bruce. “Yeah. People are assholes
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\(^o^)/~~So glad you post it on AO3/LJ! I just read the part 19, poor John, hope his leaving can make Wayne understanding his feeling) My friend (AO3:avivatang, I borrowed her account ) wants to know if she can translate your fic now (beta version)? It's really an awesome story. we both are looking forward to more (check the update everyday, LOL)
it was getting ridiculously long and hard to read in the comments and I plan another 10-20.000 words of it, so...no way would that fit in the comments. Wayne is so messed up and full of morals or whatever. yes, of course, feel free to tell her it's alright. Let me know again so I can link back?
Comments 2
I just read the part 19, poor John, hope his leaving can make Wayne understanding his feeling)
My friend (AO3:avivatang, I borrowed her account ) wants to know if she can translate your fic now (beta version)?
It's really an awesome story. we both are looking forward to more (check the update everyday, LOL)
Wayne is so messed up and full of morals or whatever.
yes, of course, feel free to tell her it's alright. Let me know again so I can link back?
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