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Comments 9

ladylovebug11 March 29 2010, 16:15:42 UTC
Ugh, Neil just need to slow down and take a break from this crazy-ness. I don't think he wanted to host in the first place ( or did he?). Anyway, I think Conon should Have taken the job so he can recover from the whole Leno thing, and the people organizing the awards shouldn't be second-chossing on NPH, why not someone else?

Anyway, about the movie. I can't wait for the Smurf movie! (even though I never watched the show. :( )


pikka March 29 2010, 16:43:19 UTC
Oh, I am pretty sure he wanted to host the Tonys. While I agree that she should slow down a bit, there is probably nothing he'd love to do more than host the Tonys again, because that's the one award show he's actually really passionate about. (You could tell from his Tony monologue last year.)

The point is, if CBS asks Neil to host the show, he won't say no. He never says no to CBS. And I think he should start to do so.

I really hope the Smurfs movie will have a decent script. The Chipmunks one… didn't.


ladylovebug11 March 29 2010, 16:59:06 UTC
Oh yeah he is passionate about it ( exceptally since he and David used to perform in broadway)
And yeah, he prabably would agree to it now that I think about it.

Yeah, that chipmunk movie sucked. I hope it's decent too.


idioticonion March 29 2010, 18:14:29 UTC
I hope he tells CBS where to stick it. Seriously, that is just insulting. :-(

I love the phrase go-to uber monkey!


pikka March 29 2010, 18:26:12 UTC
It damn straight is! I am so tempted to tweet and tell him that he should tell CBS to eff off.

Tehe, go-to uber-monkey!


moondustwolf April 1 2010, 05:47:54 UTC
Over from church_of_nph! *waves*

Yeah, I so want him to host the Tonys, but after the Oscars, it's probably not a good idea. Maybe take a break from it for a year, and then go back. He can present, at least. And CBS...from that one interview, just the fact he mentions overexposure means he probably thinks it's too much, but CBS just keeps pushing him. He should tell them to shove it, especially with how they expect him to be everywhere and he's the one dealing with the criticism like after the Oscars. Of course, the Oscars were the one thing beyond their control, but still. Schnar.

Anyway. From what I'm reading now, Sofia's playing his boss. Which makes more sense. But what with Hank Azaria being animated and then live action and Quentin Tarantino being in and then not in, I'm not believing anything until someone official tells us. XD

Edited b/c nph_fan is the website, not the LJ comm. Shuddup, it's like 2 AM.


pikka April 1 2010, 18:06:45 UTC
*waves back*

We will probably have to see what happens, and how he and CBS decides. It's all we can do anyway, buut yeah, SCHNAR.

So? The official release said she was his wife; while a very career-focused one. It would probably make more sense for her to be his boss, as she's supposed to be pregnant, too, but that would mean that Neil's character would work at a cosmetic company…?

I'm bummed that Quentin Tarantino isn't voicing Brainy Smurf, though. In my head, he and Neil would have become best buds and made awsome movies together in the future,


moondustwolf April 1 2010, 18:16:20 UTC
Yeah, never mind- now apparently Jayma's not in the film anymore. Excpet she is. Or something. Anyway, I think Sophia's definately playing his wife.

Okay, the first time I read that last bit, I had an image of Neil and Brainy Smurf hanging out. And I didn't know what to think.


pikka April 5 2010, 17:59:49 UTC
Ha! You were right - she plays his boss and Jayma Mays his wife. (Makes much more sense. Though I don't like the idea that Neil's character works at a cosmetics company for some reason.)


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