14 funniest American commercials of the 70s

Jun 08, 2024 01:28

Late Night Commercials

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dr. π (pi)

googie, modern times

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Comments 4

thespian15 June 9 2024, 10:54:04 UTC
I wish commercials were funny like that again.
All too often nowadays they are just beyond STUPID. :o
Hugs, Jon


commercials STUPID pigshitpoet June 9 2024, 19:15:14 UTC
yes, and stupid to the point of WTF
you can't even understand the point or what they're selling sometimes


Re: commercials STUPID thespian15 June 9 2024, 21:57:26 UTC
One thing I loved about the old days, we didn't have all the pharmaceutical commercials. :o


Re: commercials pharma pigshitpoet June 11 2024, 07:21:37 UTC
OMG yeah
we just got it direct
from the pushers on the street
remember barbiturates, uppers, downers
not my thing, but it was there in our tiny town
if you went looking for it,
my own uncle sold shit
and did shit
and got busted for it
and quit it
and swore off it
now he's old and in a care home
which is neither here nor there
but it was there
but now the pharmaceuticals sell legal shit
and advertise it
do you have televisions in the ward where you work?
or are you just in emergency?
; P

i used to install wall protection in old age homes
and the elderly were in the common room
half asleep like zombies
while the medical ads played between the soap ops
i had ear plugs to block out the sound
but the picture was still there
that's the thing i hated most about that job


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