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Comments 4

thespian15 June 8 2024, 15:05:38 UTC
I'm sorry, but I can't bite my tongue any more.
Some of these posts are just plain sick and I don't mean Joe Biden.
I mean the fact that people make this crap up and spread it around.


hey jon, pigshitpoet June 8 2024, 18:38:01 UTC
you know, i agree.
and this, as distasteful or creepy as it is, seems mild compared to other scenarios
it's just weird, smiley faces with a boy creeped out by the attention
it's not like i invented it..
why is america so enamored by sensationalism?
back when i was growing up, canadian television was plain boring melodrama, ie. the forest rangers
then came american shows on tv and they all tried to outdo one another, six-guns a-blazing!
completely challenging the senses
clockwork orange messed my mind up
the stuff on netflix now and coming out of hollywood is appalling to me
i can't watch the graphic violence or madcap follies
oh, the horreur..
that's entertainment!

we used to think, what would be the biggest mindfuck we could dream up?
and there it would be on the next tv show or movie
yep, you got that right


Re: hey jon, thespian15 June 9 2024, 15:09:38 UTC
When it comes to Hollywood, I just don't think there is much originality left.
If something happens to be successful, they beat that concept to death.

As for politics, imho, ever since Bush II said You're Either With US or You're Against Us, the country has been totally divided.
And I really don't think there is any going back. Especially now since the Repub Party has sold their soul to the Devil.
And I don't necessarily give the Dems a free pass either because the younger politicians coming up and pushing the Dem Party to the far Left the opposite of what the Repubs are doing to their Party.
I think Joe Biden is the last of the top tier politicians that's going to come close to being a Centrist.
If the country does fall apart, which I can see happening, I hope it can hold out until I am gone from this life. :o :o :o


Re: hey jon, pigshitpoet June 9 2024, 19:28:14 UTC
that's a good point
divided we fall, and i see good points on both sides,
i think in that way i'm too a centrist
but they forced people to choose, to divide, to take sides
i have this delusion that somehow both factions will somehow be able to work together for common good
they use 'for the common good' as a "cause", but then never deliver on it
i think it's easier for them when we are complacent
it's just a smokescreen to get away with the loot
they get away with murder and heist the loot
follow the money, beware of money laundering
most of what is being done in the name of politics
makes no sense to me anymore
does that make me a 'sense'-trist?
or is it all 'non-sense'
back to you, boogaloo!
; P


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