My Nerve Pain Exploded Today

Mar 16, 2024 21:04

Knife Stabbing Face Pain : What Doctors Will Not Admit

Here's what pharmaceutical medicine thinks :
-Nerve pain (neuralgia) is a particular type of pain that often feels like a shooting, stabbing or burning sensation.
-It is caused by damage or injury either to the nerves that send messages to your brain to signal pain, or to the brain itself.
-Nerve pain can be difficult to treat.
-Pain medicines can help, as can non-medicine treatments like exercise, acupuncture and relaxation techniques.

Here's What Really Happens :
-Nerve face pain (neuralgia) sudden stabbing pain in the face like electric shock that doesn't stop and continues to flash across the right side of the face, while I'm buckled over and incapacitated, holding my face trying to calm the nerve from triggering.
-It mostly occurs in people after dental procedure, from using needle anesthetic in the jaw area while working on the teeth. Dentists insist this is not the case, while many sufferers testify, it began after the dental procedure.
-Nerve pain is impossible to treat, the consensus is to surgically severe the nerve to eliminate any sensation the the nerve area, effectively paralyzing the person in that nerve area.
-I have at times been able to treat the condition to reduce sensitivity, including continually using a B complex to rebuild the damaged nerve endings. Pain medicines reduce the severity somewhat, but more often they serve to inflate the condition to which exercise, acupuncture and relaxation are but wishful thinking. I've tried it all
-I've had this condition off and on for over 8 years now, with several periods of relief. There are very specific things that can trigger it for me the worst of which are stress, fatigue, sudden heat and cold changes, wind, over exertion, the touch of a feather, touch anywhere over the affected area, crunchy foods, vinegar, acids, sugar, flour, spices, dairy and cheese that irritate sinuses near the nerve area, alcohol, nerve stimulants, even painkillers can aggravate it. It also seems to be related to poor circulation or a nerve lesion, like at the back of the skull putting pressure on the occipital nerves.
-When I describe any of this to a doctor, it makes them nervous and they state by the book responses and prescribe painkillers and sent me to a neurology specialist. All the specialist did is touch my face to trigger the pain to see if I was sincere, then prescribed the same painkillers and told me the final alternative is to surgically sever the nerve, and even that is not guarranteed to work. They end up telling you jokingly that the final option is to shoot yourself. (Because that is how painful it gets sometimes, like I want to die).

They also state in medical terms that trigeminal neuralgia can be virally related to shingles or herpes :

post-herpetic pain - this can happen after you've had shingles(herpes zoster) and affects the same area as the shingles rash
trigeminal pain - causing pain in your jaw or cheek
occipitalpain - causing pain at the base of your skull that can spread to the back of your head

Medical Description : ..Chart

.Ouch !!

I've not had shingles or herpes, and was vaccinated for chicken pox, so if it is viral, nobody can tell me,
but I have had a dental procedure that caused nerve irritation after a surgical anesthetic. So who knows?
I'm thinking that I did a parasitic detox after my blood test to eliminate random parasites, in which I did
notice a buzzing sensation in my face area, as if it was suddenly awakening and getting new circulation.

I'm sitting here at the moment on "pins & needles", as they say, waiting for the next wave to hit suddenly, for which I have no control.

I've plastered my facial area with CBD pain oil (canabinoid), taken pre-Gabalin to nullify the pain, moving very slowly
and deliberately so as not to trigger the nerves again.

dr. π (pi)

health issues

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