Homeless Recycle Vancouver Canada

Feb 11, 2024 18:14

Homeless recycle, repurpose, reuse, green city, except people, does not include people

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homelessness, vancouver canada

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Comments 2

ms_eclectic February 12 2024, 02:18:02 UTC
that is just awful being homeless is a very hard life to live esp up your way


very hard life pigshitpoet February 12 2024, 05:12:25 UTC
there was a young couple nesting on the sidewalk next to the bank when i went for coffee this aft
sad, it's bloody cold and damp out there

this afternoon we listened to an old LP radio show from CBC in the 60s that interviewed canadians pioneers, telling of their survival in a wilderness with no food and no jobs and no money...
it seems, we should count ourselves lucky to be here at all

makes me appreciate what i've got more than i can imagine by those standards

i'm wondering if that first photo with the pretty girl in the plastic bags
wasn't a publicity shot to raise money for homeless shelters

it was from a cbc news article

it sends me mixed messages
where's her father?


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