State of the Nation

Jan 05, 2024 13:01

Cold windy and raining with intermittent warm naps

I think it's going to be a.. lo-o-o-o-o-ng lonely day... Ble-ech !!

The only thing I hold of value atm is my warm home

dr. π (pi)

socio politics, weather channel, life is transient

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Comments 4

thespian15 January 6 2024, 02:01:35 UTC
Dear Mother Nature,
I'm ready for Spring time now. :)
Hugs, Jon


ready for spring pigshitpoet January 6 2024, 03:52:48 UTC
can i come too?


Re: ready for spring thespian15 January 7 2024, 03:35:37 UTC
We'll make a party of it. :)
The Merry Month of May. :)
Only in January. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Re: ready for spring pigshitpoet January 9 2024, 07:59:02 UTC


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