Books left out of Bible

Nov 05, 2023 23:09

The Old Scofield study bible is a Rothschild funded fabrication of armageddon for one world order*Watch and Listen : more... )

goddam santa, conspiracy theory, bible, satan claus

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Comments 7

gilda_elise November 6 2023, 13:14:54 UTC
I think the bible's been put together and taken apart several times. by both Jewish and Christian committees. I imagine it would be hard to decide which almost Bronze Age text you believe in 500 years later. Same with the new testament. It isn't as if anyone were contemporaries of the writings


bible propaganda pigshitpoet November 7 2023, 10:03:43 UTC
yes, you're right. there are the original aramaic texts, believed to be the oldest from the time of christ along with the gnostic writings of the early and pre-christians. then the greek septuagint, then the hebrew texts, and then it gets interesting. the romans under constantine and caesar rewrote the documents to reflect a state controlled religion, and it was reorganized several times for which there were seven councils, starting with nicaea. this is where many of the texts were left out or censored by rome ( ... )


ms_eclectic November 6 2023, 14:33:59 UTC
The ten commandments weren't altered though, right?


love in christ pigshitpoet November 7 2023, 09:26:25 UTC
not the basics, haven't been changed. the alterations relate to the jews waiting for a messiah in the form of an earthly king who is to rebuild the third temple, and claiming that christ was not their messiah, whom they had murdered.
the plot thickens !!
; )

did you know that before the ten commandments, the jews were given 613 commandments, like they behaved as animals who didn't know how to wash their feet.. like training circus elephants, who were smarter than lions and snakes and jews apparently )))


Re: love in christ gilda_elise November 7 2023, 13:17:42 UTC
I think the Jews would know what their own word means. Christ wasn't their messiah, since the messiah was supposed to free them from the Romans. Christians are the ones who have distorted the meaning of the word.

But most archaeologists are of the mind that the Exodus never happened. There's no way that many people could travel that long and not leave a trace. Add to the fact that some of towns that Joshua was later supposed to conquer didn't exist at the time.


Re: love in christ pigshitpoet November 8 2023, 06:29:30 UTC
there are christianic jews who do accept christ ( ... )


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