Coronavirus lockdowns are crippling the global drug trade - Contraband

Apr 24, 2020 20:18

“They are facing a supply problem and a demand problem”

The normally bustling vehicle traffic that smugglers use for cover has slowed to a trickle.
Bars, nightclubs and motels across the country that are ordinarily fertile marketplaces for
drug dealers have shuttered. And prices for drugs in short supply have soared to gouging levels.

Read more... )

drunk santa, sex drugs n rock n roll

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Comments 6

jusummerhayes April 25 2020, 05:26:02 UTC
Yeh, where would we be without something to drink? It was interesting in the UK that we never ran out of that.


something to drink pigshitpoet April 25 2020, 08:05:30 UTC
sadly, i'm not able to drink, it triggers my face pain..
bad nerves i guess
; P


realbesamemucho April 25 2020, 07:48:35 UTC
Here the health authorities call for limiting the alcohol sale, some regions have already introduced such measures.


unlimited alcohol pigshitpoet April 25 2020, 08:07:27 UTC
in british columbia the stores are now open to 11pm to accommodate higher sales and slower traffic due to social distancing..
; )))

however, alcohol is high to begin with in russia, is it not?


Re: unlimited alcohol realbesamemucho April 25 2020, 10:00:39 UTC
Yes, drinking is commonplace here, though according to statistics Russia is not among the leading heavydrinring countries.

The WHO list of alcohol consumption per population:
Czech Republic
USA is #23
Canada - #24


Re: unlimited alcohol pigshitpoet April 25 2020, 14:22:39 UTC
in canada is mostly beer.. and wine
i am surprised italy is not close with france?
ireland i understand, they invented whiskey!
and germany has big beerfest
russia has vodka
why estonia and lithuania are so high?


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