Reefer Madness

Nov 10, 2016 14:25

There is much confusion on why Trump hasn't taken Manhattan or mastered Californication with the voters by a landslide to include the disenfranchised, unemployed and christian voters..

LAW: Under California elections, "It is a mortal sin to vote Democrat," the insert read, with the words underlined and bolded. "If your bishop, priest, deacon or other parishioners tell you to do so, you must walk away from them. Your immortal soul and your salvation are at stake." - The Immaculate Conception Church

California Swing Votes appear non-existent as a result of Schwarzeneger and Reaganism and the promiscuous practices of free love under the influence of evil weed

In Massachusetts, the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston has contributed almost a million dollars to defeat a ballot initiative that legalizes recreational use of marijuana. Catholic California is the hotbed of the marriage of the pope with the satanic church of Hollywood, whose followers are leaving like a pack of rats at a Frank Sinatra performance in Las Vegas or as I call it (Lost Wages). The Catholic Church was (and is) the church of immigrants: Irish and Italians who liked their wine and beer. Grape production in heavily Catholic California increased by 700 percent during Prohibition. Marijuana is associated with Catholic immigrants. Americans knew the drug as cannabis, and used its tinctures in patent medicines. Politicians, aided by the media, also whipped up public fear of immigrant Mexicans and their disruptive ways, including their use of “marihuana.” Perhaps they fear a threat to their monopoly on being the opiate of the masses. Mexicans became the scapegoat of the 30s, and draconian laws banning “marihuana” was the instrument used to control and deport them. But for some reason, the Roman Catholic Church has joined with the establishment, regardless of those anti-immigrant laws. California or New York will reliably go blue each November and Texas will undoubtedly go red. Despite the fact that the Republican ticket is headed by a thrice-married adulterer, self-confessed assaulter of women, self-confessed tax cheat, and foul-mouthed xenophobe, they threaten anyone who votes for the other party with everlasting hellfire. The reason is that the Democratic platform is pro-choice. Using the evils of abortion as the excuse to abort a candidate from running for election: “Support of abortion by a candidate for public office, some of whom are Catholics, even if they use the fallacious and deeply offensive ‘personally opposed but . . .’ line, is reason sufficient unto itself to disqualify any and every such candidate from receiving our vote.” - Bishop William Murphy of Long Island

But mostly I just like the vintage magazine art..


Reefer Madness (1936) - Original Version

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moving pictures silent films, possession

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