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Comments 1

this is what i think, anonymous March 13 2007, 04:49:16 UTC
rhetoric is cheap when a gallery is taking the artist’s inventory as investment on consignment. as an artist i resent being held to ransom for 3 to 6 months wondering if a gallery “might” be able to sell something for me at their determined price of what they think their market will bear, then taking half the cut if something sells leaving me with half of what i need to cover my expenses. regardless of all the office politics, i need food and shelter or i am simply another starving artist and you are a gallery who is going into bankruptcy and taking my hard earned work along with you. like i said, i resent galleries for the very reason that the thing they accuse artists of, “being too egotistical” is exactly what they too are guilty of. in my mind this is why any artists are finding alternative venues for their work, because they can maintain their unique identity, dignity and freedom to work as they wish. the gallery is old school and not very respectful of the artist and who the artist is ( ... )


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