Jul 13, 2011 16:59

Where did the idea for this role-play come from?
A Very Potter Musical... you don't have to have seen it, but we suggest you do, because it is awesome.

So where are we exactly?
You are at Pigfarts! But if you want more exact information, you are in a magical school in the Harry Potter Universe... that is also a space station... on Mars.

How did we get here?
One day Rumbleroar was watching Star Gate and thought he should have one, since rocket ships took too long to bring students to and from the school. The portal worked too well, and started pulling in people from all kinds of different planets and dimensions. Also, though he figured out how to get people here, he's still working on getting them back.

Anything else we should know?
Well... the Star Gate has a few side effects to it when it comes to interdimensional travel... so you may find yourself missing some things.

What exactly will we be missing now?
Anything that doesn't belong in the Harry Potter universe. This means no super powers, or extra appendages, like horns or cat ears. But on the bright side, you won't lose the most importing thing! Your memories.

...Anything else?
Sometimes the changes are a little more... extreme. Like if you used to be a magical pony or a talking dog. Everyone arrives as a human, and you're stuck like that! Though some of you who used to be animals might find becoming an Animagus easier, so that's a plus side, right? Right?

So, uhhh, what's Pigfarts like?
It's a space station powered by science and magic, leading to a safe, environmentally controlled facility for the magically gifted. It's only for especially gifted witches and wizards because, well, Mars is really hard to get to. If you ended up here somehow, you must have really amazing powers!

So will we be learning and preforming magic here?
Yes. Upon arrival you shall receive a wand and sorted into one of the four houses by the SoSP. Then you shall be fitted for you uniform and get to sign up for classes.

It stands for Scarf of Sexual Preference. Nothing can be hidden from it. Nothing. Obviously you should stick as close to what canon shows as possible, but your own interpretation of the character will be taken into consideration.

What are the houses, then?
There are four- Hissyfits, for gay students, Gruffalo, for straight students, Shuttlecock, for bisexual and asexual students, and Huffa... something or other, no one can remember what it's called, which is for everyone else (whether they just don't have a clear sexuality or fall into some other classification). There's more information on the houses here.

Well what if my character's a Vampire/Werewolf/Ghost/insert other magical creature here?
Even though Pigfarts itself violates the laws of Harry Potter universe, we will still be trying to keep things as close to canon as we know or can assume. Mars has two moons, so we're not exactly sure what it will do to the werewolves, but during the time of either full moon you will be given medicine and locked into solitary confinement. Vampires at meal times will receive blood flavored lollipops and packets of totally voluntarily donated blood to keep them from biting the students. As for ghosts, well, you're dead and you can walk through walls... that's pretty much it.

My character's a demon/magical girl/ any other type of fairy creature!
Did you not just read the rest of this FAQ? Well, repeating what has been stated before, if your character had amazing abilities in their world or was some other type of being that doesn't exist in Harry Potter (which is really easy to look up, so you have no excuse), your character will have lost their abilities and turned human. By God, if we catch you using your character's other worldly abilities, it won't be pretty.
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