A fic pairings meme

May 05, 2009 00:37

I just spent an hour or so working on this meme which I stole from
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gilmore girls, fanfic, buffy, legally blonde, femslash, ttscc, memes, dollhouse

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Comments 4

nike_ravus May 6 2009, 02:13:39 UTC
i enjoyed your bunnies.
It always seems that the fpreg one is the weirdest and the most intriguing. (Adelle and Elle Woods... seriously!)


piedra_lumbre May 6 2009, 12:55:32 UTC
I'm glad you enjoyed them. I definitely had fun working through the list, along with a few doses of incredulity at the marvels produced by it.
I actually think that the list gets at the heart of one of the cool things about the fanfic world; its flexibility. Even though I stuck to characters I thought I could actually write, the nature of the questions still produced a number of ideas that I wouldn't have come up with in the ordinary course of things. The best part is that as long as I or anyone else did a credible job with them, any of these ideas, no matter how weird (and Adelle/Elle is definitely that), could produce worthwhile additions to the world of fandom.

Having said that, the bunny I'm most likely to do anything with is probably the Tara/Lorelei one which seems relatively tame by comparison.


nike_ravus May 6 2009, 13:47:10 UTC
But it's a good one! Both Tara and Lorelai need more gay action.
And i wouldn't call it tame. it does strike me as difficult though. Tara is all about stability and groundedness, earth-witch too the core, and Lorelai is not, yet she manages to float along on her own wavelength. The dynamic there would be tricky.


piedra_lumbre May 7 2009, 05:04:59 UTC
That's a really good point about the dynamics. But, by the same token, they have the potential to compliment each other really well. Still, it wouldn't be a particularly easy piece to write. I think I have a pretty good handle on Tara as a character, but it wouldn't hurt to do some more research on Lorelei (I've only seen the first season of GG) and a younger Lorelei is going to be at least somewhat different than the Lorelei that we knew from the show. Lots to ponder there.


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