Fic: "The Story You Can't See", Deka Wanko (Wanko/Shigemura), R

Mar 13, 2012 03:27

I wrote something! It was hard. But necessary, if only to satiate firthgal and my appetite for Shige/Wanko action.

TITLE: The Story You Can't See
FANDOM: Deka Wanko (Hanamori 'Wanko' Ichiko/Shigemura Kanichi)
RATING: R (for sexual situations)
DISCLAIMER: I don't own these characters. If I did, they'd be more fleshed out and kissing a lot more on screen.

There was a set plan to the life he'd thought he'd live. )

fic, deka wanko, jdrama

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Comments 2

firthgal March 12 2012, 18:39:32 UTC
LOVE! LOVE LOVE LOVE! LOVE!!! I loved it so much that I could not stop reading and now I am super late for work and IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT! I wanted to leave a more in depth review, but I've got to dash. Just know that there are hearts in my eyes right now. ♥


piecesofalice March 13 2012, 05:18:22 UTC
<333 I hope you did like it! It was so hard to write, but I think because I wanted to get the right and do justice to the chemistry and all that.

HOPE YOU DIDN'T GET IN TROUBLE THOUGH D: Just say...there was an accident. A sexy accident?


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