the dancer (2000)

Oct 31, 2009 06:59

I'm a big sucker for dance movies & love them all - even the bad & cheesy ones. The dancing & music always suck me right in. So, when I read the challenge for the first time I immediately wanted to make a picspam about dance movies, because they don't get love that often. While I first wanted to express my love for the best dance scenes of my favorites & started looking through my collection, I decided on just one specific movie as soon as I saw the cover. 'The Dancer' is a Luc Besson movie from 2000, that tells the story of India, a very talented, but mute dancer, who gets the chance to create sounds through her movements/dancing. It's touching and beautifully made. The dance scenes are great, really extraordinary. I love every minute of the movie - which made it hard to cut a few scenes out for the picspm - and it's sad, that the movie slipped right beneath the radar of most people. Maybe this picspam manages to make one or two curious about the movie - it's definitely worth a watch!

:challenge13, #_

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