...because it keeps popping up onto my brain, and I don't believe I was complainsome enough about it in that last post. (Because a good Hungarian can always find more things to complain about :D)
1:The Main Female Character And What I Didn't Like About Her
Hush, Hush presented the reader with a type of person whom I tried to avoid in high school
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Comments 12
I have no idea how you managed to read this. I mean, I read badly written books all the time. But this? This is burn-it-before-your-brain-melts-away material.
I don't even....
I can't say I was satisfied by the end of the book, though - if anything, it brought up more questions than I had before reading it, hte main of them being things like "oh god, do some people really think like this?" I mean, I know intellectually thatsome do, but having them in evidence is just ....horrifying? fascinating? train-wreckly? It makes me really stop and try to think about what the hell life would be like if I lived around people who thought like that.
(Oh god I would go nuts.)
I read badly written books all the time.
yes you do so why is you complaining 8D
Oh gosh, there's more books like this? But I shouldn't be surprised - of course there are. Trends are trends, and trends never come with one example alone. So - yeah, to your points. That's why there's more of that. D:
(Also, haven't seen you in forever! How's things? :D)
THEY ARE ALL THE SAME BOOK. Seriously. Every YA book looks exactly the same to me these days. It is just...it is no bueno.
(I just found this comment in my inbox??)
(I read Twilight because I was taking a trip round Shanghai & associated cities, and wanted some light, easily pickupable-putdownable book I didn't mind if I lost. Twiliggle fit all those categories. It worked. I got to teh point where I was writing comments in the margin about the character's actions. I regret nothing.)
YES. EXACTLY. HOMG EXACTLY. It is why I jsut skip merrily on past the "YA Paranormal" section - nope, ain't muffin for me here!
(No prob, I go back every now and then and discover new comments have mushroomed where one - IE, I - have least expected them. Who'd thunk people'd respond to me? NOT I SAID THE FLY)
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