2023 Day 17: Strange Hills

Jan 17, 2023 00:49

One of the themes for my 2022 characters is “stuff I backed”. I can’t remember why I backed Strange Hills but I’m glad I did. I really, really like how you play the bad guy. But the empire has fallen and you play a bad guy stripped of everything meaningful, you’re just one refugee amongst many. You have the option to have a redemption story, but the game doesn’t force it. In fact, you could die hated by those around you.

Cover of Strange Hills by Jason Vanhee

This is the first game I’ve read officially branded No Dice, No Masters, although not the first game I’ve read (nor written) without randomisers.

Instead of randomisers, Strange Hills is a series of narrative prompts for you to follow. It starts by the group creating a map to give them a visual to navigate. I do this for playing Epyllion as well and it’s always great fun, but it’s better as a group activity so won’t do it here.

Because I want to play a truly evil villain, I’m going to be a member of the city pound. He would go round seizing animals from families for whatever bureaucratic reason he could get away with. The owners would either have to pay a large fee to refund them, or he would find them a new home: in the sacrifice pits of the Witch Queen.

  • Class: The Technocrat
  • Name: Warden John
  • Look: Watery Eyes. (He looks like every decision he made is terrible on him. But in fact he’s just allergic to dogs - he loved his work.)
  • Specific field of work: Warden John actually fits under two categories -Taxation and Confiscation; and The mystical need of the Witch Queen, for blood and souls.
  • Tool he never leaves: Writing equipment
  • What he can’t bear to witness: Joy
    (I was tempted by Wastefulness but, no, that’s just a cover. He’s a horrible misery.)
  • There are some questions he asks of other characters. One of which is “Who in your family did I callously mark off a list.” So yeah, he sacrificed another characters’ beloved animal.
  • Chosen Deep Wickedness: Cruelty
    (I think it’s very likely this character would be cruel a lot, and will likely need the Ritual of Catharsis, as a chance to recant his ways.)
  • Lure: when someone asks for Warden John to help organise something, he gets a Token.
  • Personal benefit: Stock of small and delicious long-lasting treats
  • An issue encountered: Drove off the “weak” to save the “worthy”.

All classes have strong moves (which cost a Token) and weak moves (which give you a Token). Strong for the Technocrat include doing without and conducting fair bureaucracy. Weak moves involve putting others down and being greedy. All characters have a weak move of seeking help - if you spend all your tokens on strong moves (like saving yourself from danger) then this is the universal fallback plan. I love that each class feels different, and all give you a balanced place from which to decide whether you will redeem yourself or continue down your path of evil.

Page one of the Technocrat playbook


fantasy, 31characters, roleplaying reviews

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