(1) How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? (Yeah, I know it's a repeat of a question I asked Ed, but it *is* a very important question and therefore bears repeating =p)
(2) If you could instantly become a virtuoso at *any* one instrument, which would you choose and why?
(3) How do you weigh in on the "fate vs free will" debate? Are you more a supporter of predestination or of man being in charge of his own destiny?
(4) If you had to choose to kill either your best friend (or one of your best/closest friends) or to kill 10 strangers, which would you pick? (not picking condemns all of them to death)
(5) Is it truly better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all?
Comments 4
(2) Which scares you most and why: Vampire Pirates, Werewolf Vikings, or Zombie Ninjas?
(3) How many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop?
(4) If you could live *anywhere* in the world (and had the means to support yourself in said location) where would you live and why?
(5) Describe your ideal pizza.
(Yeah, I know it's a repeat of a question I asked Ed, but it *is* a very important question and therefore bears repeating =p)
(2) If you could instantly become a virtuoso at *any* one instrument, which would you choose and why?
(3) How do you weigh in on the "fate vs free will" debate? Are you more a supporter of predestination or of man being in charge of his own destiny?
(4) If you had to choose to kill either your best friend (or one of your best/closest friends) or to kill 10 strangers, which would you pick? (not picking condemns all of them to death)
(5) Is it truly better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all?
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