Challenge #10: A Perfect 10

Dec 18, 2011 09:54

Getting a slightly later-than-usual start this year, but hopefully people will still be interested?

The 10th (!) Annual 'A Picture is Worth a 1000 Words' Challenge: A Perfect 10

So, It's Like This...The challenge goes as follows: each participant is assigned a picture that will serve as the inspiration for a story (how you define "inspiration" is ( Read more... )

challenge 10, mod post

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Comments 127

garnet_words December 18 2011, 16:41:45 UTC
Yay! Sign me up :)


siriaeve December 18 2011, 16:45:34 UTC
Signing up!


oriolegirl December 18 2011, 16:47:11 UTC
I have failed spectacularly at this the last few years, but I'm willing to give it another try!


abbybanks December 18 2011, 16:55:25 UTC
Yay! Me, please \o/


chickwithmonkey December 18 2011, 16:55:27 UTC
I can do 1000 words. Sign me up!


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