Memories of Mumbai, NCIS

Feb 27, 2011 13:11

Title Memories of Mumbai
Author- cornerofmadness
Fandom NCIS
Disclaimer I don’t own it.
Rating PG -13
Characters/Pairing Tim pov, Tim & Abby
Timeline/Spoilers set this year but no spoilers for anything
Word Count 1000
Warning none
Summary He felt like he knew her, felt almost too close to her.
Author’s Note written for picfor1000 for this picture
. Thanks to Evil_little_dogRead more... )

challenge 9, ncis

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Comments 4

dolimir_k February 27 2011, 18:22:19 UTC
Awww, I like this look at Tim and Abby's friendship!!


cornerofmadness February 27 2011, 18:41:18 UTC
thank you. I love their friendship


evil_little_dog February 27 2011, 21:50:52 UTC
I still love this.


cornerofmadness February 27 2011, 21:54:19 UTC
thank you


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