Title: 24 Frames Per Second: How (not) to be Friends
Author: lea_ndra
Band: My Chemical Romance
Pairings: Frank/Gerard, Mikey/Alicia
Word Count: 24.500
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: None, apart from how this is total fluff, suitable for Christmas. Oh, I should probably warn for the mangling of one of the most beloved Christmas songs of all times.
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Comments 2
So I'll review every chapter as I go along, and I'm trying to drag it out as long as possible. I'll be reading all night. :) Honestly, I try to make it last and do laundry inbetween and all sorts of weird things. Heh.
I loved how Frank wrote his number on Gerard's arm. I had him do that in a German fanfic I wrote a while ago. :) So cute and romantic. I love everything about Gerard, how he has and hasn't changed at the same time.
So glad to see Hank's collection being taken care of.
Awesome. Hah! I lurrrve you.
I love my characters so much, I wish I could make up stories about them all the time. although I feel like the stories I wanted to tell about them are told. (but you know, GWay is the cooooolest professor in all the world, Frank the most tattooed comic book store owner in the world, they have a couple of fat dogs, cook pasta for Mikey, Alicia and their 3 kids - AnnieWay, of course, is a comic book geek! and in 2011 they totally get married because they can.)
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