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Comments 4

rosehiptea July 21 2010, 01:28:05 UTC
Awwwww... sweet! I can just picture Henry blushing. Thank you so much for writing this.


pianotheme July 21 2010, 01:42:28 UTC
Yay! Thank you for reading! :D


threepapercups July 21 2010, 18:16:09 UTC
That story was incredibly adorable ♥
I love the way you portray Eileen, she's so sweet and even though we only get brief glimpses at her personality when her life isn't in immediate danger, I think you built on what we saw really well.


pianotheme July 21 2010, 21:37:12 UTC
I'm glad you enjoyed it! I RPed Eileen for several months and came up with headcanon and basically constructed a back story for her, so I'm happy that it's come in handy and isn't a huge stretch for her character. :)


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