
Apr 14, 2009 14:44

For some reason, I kind of. Hate everything right now. And I don't know what I'm doing or where I'm going, ever.

But I can find solace in Wondermark: ( No trailers, I have a headache. )

under the weather, this entry is useless, oh yeah this is awesome, webcomic: wondermark, lulz

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Comments 4

gotenks April 14 2009, 19:00:26 UTC
I didn't see anything wrong with your last entry; useless drama is useless, after all. Especially if it's on the internet.

But maybe we're both just pricks. Oh well!


pianotheme April 14 2009, 19:13:11 UTC
I can accept that, too. c:


kartos April 14 2009, 20:53:25 UTC
Was it nap time again? ):


pianotheme April 14 2009, 21:01:58 UTC
It's always nap time. Perhaps that's the problem.


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