
Nov 04, 2008 23:08

Good job, America.

I'm so happy I stayed up and watched what was going on. For the first time in a long time, I'm proud of my country.

The next four years are going to be beautiful.

I'm speechless, guys. I can't even think straight.

EDIT: LOL, I love my flist right now. It's exploded with patriotism and happy. :)

oh yeah this is awesome, politics, this entry is fucking great

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Comments 6

thebitterseason November 5 2008, 04:34:09 UTC
pianotheme November 5 2008, 04:37:25 UTC
All these good feelings have been a long time coming.

Your thoughts?


thebitterseason November 5 2008, 04:42:03 UTC
pianotheme November 5 2008, 04:50:34 UTC
Ugh, I just heard about Prop 8. What shit.

I'm thrilled, and the reaction has been overwhelming. My flist hasn't all been this crazy-happy at once.


nashiko November 5 2008, 04:43:04 UTC
Your f-list exploded...my neighborhood is a mass of cheers, fireworks, and singing.

I haven't been proud of this place since 9/11. It's about fucking time.


pianotheme November 5 2008, 04:51:31 UTC
God, I can't imagine what it's like in New York right now. If I were there, I'd be dancing in the streets.

About fucking time, indeed.


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